11 Filme

Wir schreiben das Jahr 1938: Doktor Jones wird vom Mäzen eines Museums beauftragt, den Heiligen Gral und somit die wichtigste Reliquie der Christenheit zu finden. Jones' Einwand, es würde der falsche Jones gefragt werden, denn der eigentliche Experte sei sein Vater Henry, fördert nur die Erkenntnis zu Tage, dass Jones senior bereits die Spur aufgenommen hatte, mittlerweile aber verschwunden ist. Nun ist des Doktors Jagdinstinkt geweckt. Besorgt um das Wohlergehen des Vaters und mit dem Museumskurator Marcus Brody im Gepäck tritt Jones eine Reise in die alte Welt an, um das zustande zu bringen, was die mittelalterlichen Kreuzzüge nicht geschafft hatten: den Kelch zu finden, der beim letzten Abendmahl gereicht worden war und das Blut Jesu am Kreuz aufgefangen hatte. Erwartungsgemäß ist aber nicht nur der Doktor auf der Suche - auch die Schergen Hitlers wollen sich die Sagen umwobenen Kräfte des Kelches sichern, verheißt er doch das ewige Leben…

19. Mai 2006

A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched family of forest creatures into helping him repay a debt of food, by invading the new suburban sprawl that popped up while they were hibernating – and learns a lesson about family himself.

11. September 1998

A group of strangers find themselves trapped in a maze-like prison. It soon becomes clear that each of them possesses the peculiar skills necessary to escape, if they don't wind up dead first.

9. April 1999

Josie Geller, a baby-faced junior copywriter at the Chicago Sun-Times, must pose as a student at her former high school to research contemporary teenage culture. With the help of her brother, Rob, Josie infiltrates the inner circle of the most popular clique on campus. But she hits a major snag in her investigation -- not to mention her own failed love life -- when she falls for her dreamy English teacher, Sam Coulson.

A former military officer makes a film about a man he encountered in Tanjong Rhu, a secluded cruising ground.

A promising undercover officer assigned to lure and arrest gay men, defies professional orders when he falls in love with a target.

21. Juli 1933

After tricking him into marriage, a woman tries to win the love of her philandering husband.

14. Juni 2006

Documentary about Tommy Chong's federal prosecution under the Bush administration for selling bongs over the Internet.

20. Juni 2014

The true story of Justin Laboy, a high school student who falls in love with new girl Naomi, who is actually an undercover cop.

2. Oktober 2007

LA PIETRA DEL PARAGONE (The Touchstone) concerns the Count Asdrubale who is wealthy and therefore of great interest to many women – notably Aspasia, Fulvia, and Clarice. Only Clarice, however, loves him for something other than his riches. There are also male hangers-on: the corrupt journalist Macrobio, the poetaster Pacuvio, and Giocondo, who is Asdrubale's true friend, but who has his own eyes on Clarice. To test his friends and would-be fiancées, Asdrubale pretends that he has been bankrupted. Sure enough, only Clarice and Giocondo stand by him, and when his fortune is "miraculously" saved, the three have the last laugh on everyone else... or do they? This production is set in what looks like the early 1960s. But the real innovation is the use of blue screen technology: using tiny cameras and sets, along gigantic screens hanging over the stage, a kind of video mixing makes the singers appear to inhabit any number of fanciful settings and perform a myriad of improbable actions.

Anya was an ordinary Moscow teenager who found a chat group of her choice online. They talked about animals, the stars and social issues. A man called Ruslan D joined the group, who set up an office space for the online group to meet. Step by step, he began to lead young people who were critical of the Putin's regime towards political activism. Ruslan D placed a camera in the meeting room, and when he had enough footage, he handed it over to the prosecutor. The police raided the teenagers' homes and they were arrested on charges of planning to overthrow the government and terrorism. Three years of legal proceedings transformed Anya's mother from a loyal follower of Putin to a hunger-striking activist. Moscow-based director Anna Shishova followed Anya and her mother's life throughout the event and eventually revealed the true identity of Ruslan D.

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