2. März 2022

Im frühen 20. Jahrhundert versucht eine dänische Expedition zu beweisen, dass die USA keinen Anspruch auf Nordostgrönland haben, indem sie die Aufzeichnungen der in den vorherigen Jahren verschwundenen Expeditionen bergen. Diese wollte zeigen, dass Grönland nicht von einem breiten Kanal in zwei Hälften geteilt ist, sondern aus einer durchgängigen Landmasse besteht. Kapitän Ejnar Mikkelsen ist fest entschlossen, doch er findet nur einen einzigen Mitstreiter: den unerfahrenen Mechaniker Iversen. Mit zwei Schlitten voller Proviant und einem Rudel Schlittenhunde brechen sie auf. Doch die beiden unterschiedlichen Männer, die immer weiter ins Eis vordringen, müssen bald erkennen, dass die für wenige Monate geplante Mission viel zeitaufwändiger und gefährlicher als gedacht ist …

17. Juli 1944

The discovery of a perfectly preserved caveman prompts a mad scientist to attempt a daring brain transplant.

2. Februar 2025

In the 1930s a trio of unlikely adventurers set off to find a heretofore uncharted land. It has existed in stories and myths for centuries and is believed to be somewhere around the North Pole. Hounded by an overambitious agent of the USSR, the explorers end up finding much more than they ever expected.

1. Januar 1949
30. Oktober 2002

Terra Incognita is a multi-plane cut out animation made from photocopies of 19th century illustrations made during the race to the poles and drawings by Eric Leiser. For the puppet performance it was flat-rod puppets on a proscenium stage with a screen behind them, onto which the animation Terra Incognita is projected. Many of the sea monster puppets and ships performed in sync with the animated ones, along with splashes of water and powdered chalk to mimic snowfall. These techniques came from my time studying puppet theater in Prague, in 2002, and learning from Svankmajer and Svankmajerova. It was a lot of fun to both animate and to perform live with Jeffrey's wonder score. At the same time the film comments on the colonial race to claim the Arctic by various countries—a race that, in a sense, is still going on today, but this time again for oil—and the murders of the Inuit people who had inhabited the land for millennia.

1. September 2016

Svalbard is a norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean where the world's northernmost city is situated. It is a place where the underground, terrestrial and spatial universes blend into each other starting from a coal mine up to Venus.

24. Juni 1966

An analysis of the spirit and human qualities of Knud Rasmussen, who made a unique contribution to the exploration of the life and myths of the Polar Inughuit.

Two parallel stories are gradually unfolding the everyday life of two very different persons - that of 86-year-old Sara and 7-year-old Mihka - both residing in Guovdageaidnu - Kautokeino, in the middle of the Norwegian arctic tundra, through the drastic change of the arctic seasons and the passage from the long winter’s darkness to the never-ending light of the summer season.

20. Oktober 1993

A cold odyssey over more than 8,000 km through contrasting territories, from the mountains of Mongolia to Lake Baikal, from the taiga to the Siberian tondra: this is the challenge that Nicolas Vanier has set himself. The adventure will last 18 months, 18 months during which Nicolas and his team face one of the most hostile regions of the globe before reaching the Arctic ice. An exceptional route, where only traditional modes of transport are used to overcome the constraints, each time different, of the regions crossed...

1. Januar 2009

Roger Frison-Roche born in Paris in 1906 and moved to Chamonix at the age of 17. He was quickly adopted by local mountaineers and became the first guide in the Company not to have been born in the valley. He is also an insatiable explorer, in love with landscapes and peoples, having traveled from the Hoggar to the Sami camps in Lapland. And the author, among others, of the famous adventure novel Premier de Cordée! This documentary, made up of archive images and interviews, exposes the prolific life of a man who communicated his passion for the mountains by all possible means. A young journalist from Chamonix follows in the footsteps of Roger Frison-Roche. She meets people who knew him and others who followed in his footsteps: guides, filmmaker and author Philippe Claudel, a director, his family; on a trip to Lapland, Algeria, Chamonix.

18. Oktober 1933

A German explorer sails in his U-boat, Nautilus, all the way to the North Pole.

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