116 部电影

1986 年 05 月 16 日

故事從一所聲名顯赫的海軍空戰隊訓練學校開始。湯告魯斯飾演一名年輕學員,在訓練期間上陣對抗蘇聯戰機,意志耐力備受考驗,最終成為精英份子; 而與女主角的浪漫愛情故事更風靡全美。本片亦憑《Take My Breath Away》勇奪第59屆奧斯卡最佳歌曲獎。

2024 年 01 月 12 日

紐約一位平凡的中學音樂教師阿祖,熱愛音樂,夢想可以成為鋼琴家在著名的Jazz Club表演。可惜機會來到之日,卻發生意外,他的靈魂誤打誤撞進入了「起點之前」!原來所有新靈魂在未出生之前都要在這裡接受特訓,以塑造他們不同的性格、喜好和夢想。為了重回人間,阿祖要說服唔願投胎做人的 靈魂仔22號幫忙,一齊拍住上,尋找生命火花 ,以求獲得「地球通行證」。展開意想不到的歷險,尋找人生的真正意義!

2005 年 07 月 13 日


2003 年 12 月 05 日

1870 年代,一位美國戰場老將受聘來到日本指導現代戰術,卻意外捲入天皇與武士之間的衝突。

1991 年 07 月 12 日

In Los Angeles, a gang of bank robbers who call themselves The Ex-Presidents commit their crimes while wearing masks of Reagan, Carter, Nixon and Johnson. Believing that the members of the gang could be surfers, the F.B.I. sends young agent Johnny Utah to the beach undercover to mix with the surfers and gather information.

1990 年 11 月 09 日

Wounded Civil War soldier, John Dunbar tries to commit suicide—and becomes a hero instead. As a reward, he's assigned to his dream post, a remote junction on the Western frontier, and soon makes unlikely friends with the local Sioux tribe.

2007 年 09 月 21 日

講述了克里斯多夫·麥肯迪尼斯(Christopher McCandless)的流浪傳奇。他本是亞特蘭大私立名校艾文理大學的優等生。畢業後,麥肯迪尼斯放棄了令人羨慕的工作和前景,把自己的2萬4千元存款捐給了慈善機構,又燒掉了錢包裡所有的錢,遺棄他的車,乘便車去阿拉斯加尋找自我。

2023 年 07 月 02 日

A recent divorcee's holiday celebration with her adult children derails when she falls for her daughter's charming new boyfriend. A comedy influenced by "The Graduate," told from the perspective of a protagonist inspired by Mrs. Robinson.

由法國新星愛黛兒顏茜彩寶露絲飾演少女Adele,15歲的她情竇初開,跟其他女同學一樣,開始和男生約會;直至一天,染有一襲藍髮的美術系大學生Emma (蕾雅絲端 飾)在她眼前略過,Adele的芳心自此怦動不了。眉來眼去、朱唇半張,之後愛慾再無法遏止。儘管被恐同朋友嘲笑,儘管Emma的高級知識份子圈子與自己格格不入,Adele已身不由己,一頭栽進和Emma水乳相融的極樂世界。

1999 年 07 月 30 日

Having already left three grooms at the altar, Maggie Carpenter is branded "the runaway bride" by jaded New York journalist Ike Graham. But, after his facts are called into question, Ike races to Maggie's hometown to save his reputation and report on her upcoming fourth trip down the aisle – during which he's convinced she'll run again. Though he's there on a muckraking mission, Ike can't help but fall for this breathtaking heartbreaker.

2013 年 12 月 07 日

A half-striped zebra is blamed for the drought and leaves his herd in search of his missing stripes. He is joined on his quest by an overprotective wildebeest and a flamboyant ostrich; they defeat the tyrannical leopard and save his herd.


Two troubled men face their terrible destinies and events of their past as they join together on a mission to find the Holy Grail and thus to save themselves.

1995 年 12 月 29 日

A death row inmate turns for spiritual guidance to a local nun in the days leading up to his scheduled execution for the murders of a young couple.

1994 年 09 月 09 日

An Innuit hunter races his sled home with a fresh-caught halibut. This fish pervades the entire film, in real and imaginary form. Meanwhile, Axel tags fish in New York as a naturalist's gofer. He's happy there, but a messenger arrives to bring him to Arizona for his uncle's wedding. It's a ruse to get Axel into the family business. In Arizona, Axel meets two odd women: vivacious, needy, and plagued by neuroses and familial discord. He gets romantically involved with one, while the other, rich but depressed, plays accordion tunes to a gaggle of pet turtles

1989 年 12 月 13 日

The story of an old Jewish widow named Daisy Werthan and her relationship with her black chauffeur, Hoke. From an initial mere work relationship grew in 25 years a strong friendship between the two very different characters, in a time when those types of relationships were shunned.

2009 年 10 月 30 日

Despite her sheltered upbringing, Jenny is a teen with a bright future; she's smart, pretty, and has aspirations of attending Oxford University. When David, a charming but much older suitor, motors into her life in a shiny automobile, Jenny gets a taste of adult life that she won't soon forget.

2022 年 03 月 30 日

A famous TV weatherman, Miguel Flores, becomes public enemy number one when he fails to predict a terrible hailstorm. He is forced out of the big city, Buenos Aires, fleeing the capital for his birthplace of Córdoba. The result will be a voyage of rediscovery that is as absurd as it is human

1959 年 10 月 26 日

A shallow, provincial wife finds her relationship with her preoccupied husband strained by romantic notions of love, leading her further towards Paris and the country wilderness.

Ambitious overachiever Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly, she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being set for victory, Hanna refuses to give up and decides to win him back. But to get there means having to win something much more important, love and desire for herself and who she is.



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