18 部电影

2010 年 09 月 17 日

美國東部,位於波士頓近郊的查理斯城,儼然一個被法制遺忘的失樂園。城中愛爾蘭裔的工薪階層佔有很大比例,區域貧困的生活條件和令人無法喘息的壓力讓人們鋌而走險,銀行搶劫案時有發生,一切都變得癲狂無望。某個早晨,美麗的銀行經理人克萊爾·吉塞(麗貝卡·豪爾Rebecca Hall飾)遭遇一夥頭戴骷髏面具的劫匪,而她更被劫持為人質。奇怪的是,克雷爾最終意外生還,似乎這個早晨的變故從未發生過一樣。一天,她邂逅了高大英俊的男子道格·麥克雷(本·阿弗萊克Ben Affleck飾),奇妙的緣分就此展開,兩人的命運也由此改變…… 本片根據庫克·霍根(Chuck Hogan)的原著改編。班艾佛列克自編自導自演,以錯綜複雜的情節,敘說身不由己的盜匪生涯。

2007 年 11 月 02 日

透過一隻蜜蜂貝瑞班森(Jerry Seinfeld 飾)張大眼睛仔細看忙碌的蜜蜂世界。剛從大學畢業的蜜蜂貝瑞班森,發現他在紐窩市唯一的職業選擇就只有採花蜜,而感到前途一片黯淡,一心想要離開這種一成不變的生活。他第一逮到機會就逃出紐窩市,見識到他夢想不到的花花世界。 當他在無意間和一名紐約市曼哈頓花店女老闆凡妮莎(Renee Zellweger 飾)認識,他就違反了蜜蜂世界的頭號大禁忌,那就是和人類交談。他很快就和凡妮莎結為好友,而且很快就發現人類是什麼樣的動物。當他發現任何人都能在超市買得到他們辛辛苦苦採集的蜂蜜,並得知人類數百年來一直在盜取並食用蜜蜂製造的蜂蜜,這讓他有如五雷轟頂,頓時感到錯愕震驚,最後他領悟到他的生存意義就是以盜用蜂蜜的罪名把人類告上法庭,為全天下的蜜蜂爭一口氣。 傑瑞史菲德除了首次嘗試電腦動畫電影,還共同創作劇本以及擔任本片的製片。夢工廠動畫影片公司出品,哥倫匹斯81製作公司共同製作《蜂電影》的主要演員包括傑瑞史菲德、芮妮齊薇格、馬修鮑德瑞克、約翰古德曼、克裡斯洛克、凱西貝茲、巴瑞李文森等。導演是賽門J.史密斯以及史提夫西克諾;編劇是傑利盛菲德以及史派克費洛斯丹及巴瑞馬德及安迪羅賓;製片是傑利盛菲德和克莉絲汀娜史坦柏格;配樂師是魯柏葛雷森威廉斯。中文版則請到於美人、關穎與小豬羅志祥等配音。 蜜

2006 年 01 月 27 日

During her wedding ceremony, Rachel notices Luce in the audience and feels instantly drawn to her. The two women become close friends, and when Rachel learns that Luce is a lesbian, she realizes that despite her happy marriage to Heck, she is falling for Luce. As she questions her sexual orientation, Rachel must decide between her stable relationship with Heck and her exhilarating new romance with Luce.

1998 年 10 月 01 日

Despite being well into adulthood, brothers Doug and Steve Butabi still live at home and work in the flower shop owned by their dad. They exist only to hit on women at discos, though they're routinely unsuccessful until a chance run-in with Richard Grieco gets them inside the swank Roxbury club. Mistaken for high rollers, they meet their dream women, Vivica and Cambi, and resolve to open a club of their own.

1931 年 03 月 07 日

《{城市之光}》是卓別林(Charles Chaplin)身兼編劇、導演、作曲與主演於一身。這部片是卓別林第一部運用音響效果的影片,但無對白,因為當時他仍認為對話會破壞演員的表演。 影片描述了一個小流浪漢愛上一位雙眼失明的賣花阿妹,為了醫好她的眼睛,小流浪漢拚命賺錢,參加拳擊比賽,在夜店裡當打手等。治好眼睛的賣花女,通過雙手的觸摸而明白了流浪漢的真面目。 片中小流浪漢為了幫助雙眼失明的賣花女,以掃街工人、拳擊手、富有的花花公子等各種逗趣造型與橋段出現,然而在流浪漢與賣花女的浪漫故事中,卻同時包含對當時社會環境與階級不平的嘲諷與批判,使得笑中帶淚的《城市之光》成為卓別林在商業上及藝術上最為成功的傑作。

1960 年 08 月 05 日

Seymour works in a skid row florist shop and is in love with his beautiful co-worker, Audrey. He creates a new plant that not only talks but cannot survive without human flesh and blood.

2000 年 12 月 21 日

An endearing light comedy about a woman who spontaneously becomes a resident of Venice after her family left her behind. While enjoying the wonderful people she meets she achieves a new life and the first time independent of her family.

2018 年 07 月 22 日

When pretty dress-maker Andy joins a motley crew of brides-to-be for a grueling bridal boot camp, where young ladies learn how to become "better" brides, she thinks she's found the perfect place to become the perfect bride. But when Andy meets Casey, a handsome delivery man who doesn't believe in marriage, she starts to question her picture perfect image of her current engagement and what marriage truly means.

1985 年 08 月 18 日

Herman works as a delivery boy for a flower shop after school. One day delivers a bouquet to Rosa Stern, a woman in her early 40s who lives behind heavy curtains in an apartment filled with a mysterious atmosphere. In the coming weeks, Herman will receive more bouquets to be delivered to Rosa. Rosa's visits are becoming increasingly important to him.

1961 年 07 月 26 日

A woman named Emily checks into a hotel and offers the bellboy $2000 to temporarily marry her. We soon find out Emily is the caretaker of a wheelchair-bound mute named Helga, who was the childhood guardian of a pair of siblings: Miriam Webster and her half-brother, Warren, who is about to inherit the estate of their late father. Who is the mysterious Emily and what are her intentions?

2005 年 11 月 11 日

A street-savvy teen tries to turn her life around but soon goes back to her old ways.

2024 年 03 月 20 日

A young florist, who is allergic to flowers, gets the opportunity to save her shop by creating a flower arrangement.

2013 年 02 月 14 日

Nigerian comedy about a young woman who wants to get married, but her boyfriend is only interested in furthering his career, so she seeks help to get him to tie the knot.

2015 年 06 月 14 日

A lonely girl seeks love, connection and family by crashing funerals.

1940 年 01 月 30 日

A delivery boy for a flower shop, who thinks of himself as an amateur detective, finds out that his boss is mixed up with a foreign espionage ring.

2020 年 05 月 01 日

"Good Business Sense" is a short comedy film about how business sometimes gets in the way of romance.

A young woman owns a garden center outside Stockholm. Her two employees, a Swede and an Italian, has private dreams and desires to meet. The Italian plan to take revenge on a fellow countryman.

Ulises meets again with David one night in a street in the center of Madrid. An inevitable return to the dynamics of the past will make him wonder if it is possible that this relationship has a future.



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