44 部电影

1983 年 06 月 10 日


這次將以健忘的多莉為主軸,故事發生在尼莫返家後的六個月,多莉在魟魚雷老師的校外教學看到魟魚的集體洄游,一向什麼都記不起來的她突然受到記憶的衝擊,想起自己過往,所以多莉決定啟程尋找自己的家人,於是展開一段遠赴加州海岸的全新冒險之旅,多莉必須克服她的健忘,憑著僅存的記憶找到回家的路。 多莉的好友馬林、尼莫以及水族箱裡曾與尼莫共患難的朋友們全數回籠,當然還有更多可愛有趣的角色加入,就讓我們跟著這些海底生物再次一起遨游。

2001 年 10 月 12 日

過度執迷工作以致神經衰弱的保羅(Ezra Godden 飾)經常爲一個恐怖美人魚的噩夢所困擾,爲緩解壓力,他隨女友芭芭拉(Raquel Meroño 飾)以及好友豪爾(Brendan Price 飾)、維琪(Birgit Bofarull 飾)乘遊艇來到西班牙度假。在海上,他們聽到附近印波加小島傳來的神祕歌聲,隨後一場特大暴風雨襲來,遊艇觸礁,維琪受傷。保羅和女友乘救生筏前去小島求救,而留守的豪爾與維琪卻遭到不明生物的襲擊。保羅他們在島上見到身體怪異的居民,爲營救好友他們被迫分開,而噩夢就此開始……...


1981 年 06 月 12 日

To win the right to marry his love, the beautiful princess Andromeda, and fulfil his destiny, half-God-half-mortal Perseus must complete various tasks including taming Pegasus, capturing Medusa's head and battling the feared Kraken.

1980 年 12 月 12 日

Popeye is a super-strong, spinach-scarfing sailor man who's searching for his father. During a storm that wrecks his ship, Popeye washes ashore and winds up rooming at the Oyl household, where he meets Olive. Before he can win her heart, he must first contend with Olive's fiancé, Bluto.

2017 年 11 月 25 日

In 2100, when humanity has abandoned the earth, a colony of extravagant creatures still thrives in the deepest abyss of the ocean.

1977 年 06 月 15 日

Several people disappear from and at the sea. Their bodies are found gnawed to the skeleton, even the marrow is missing. The scientists have no idea which animal could do such things. Dr. Turner begins to suspect that the company which builds a tunnel beneath the bay might have poisoned the environment and caused an octopus to mutate to giant dimensions...



2009 年 05 月 19 日

The California coast is terrorized by two enormous prehistoric sea creatures as they battle each other for supremacy of the sea.

2000 年 09 月 21 日

During the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, a Russian submarine strays into American waters. On board is a nuclear cargo destined for Castro. The Americans attack and destroy the sub. 38 years later US submarine Roosevelt is in the same waters. An unknown object attacks and disables the sub with devastating force and drags the vessel to the bottom of the ocean. What lies on the ocean bed beggars belief: dozens of wrecks, among them the sub destroyed 38 years ago. Whatever was on board has fed a creature of unbelievable size and strength! The only way out is the emergency submersible and a passing cruise ship. Above or below the water, there is no escape from the monster mutant octopus with a nuclear diet...

1961 年 07 月 01 日

A young sailor falls in love with a mysterious woman performing as a mermaid on the local pier. As they become entwined, he comes to suspect the woman might be a real mermaid who lures men to a watery death during the full moon.

2010 年 09 月 25 日


2005 年 02 月 08 日

Picking up where Shark Tale ends, all the characters of the film dance at the whale wash in a spoof of Saturday Night Fever.

1978 年 05 月 01 日

Searching for the lost world of Atlantis, Prof. Aitken, his son Charles and Greg Collinson are betrayed by the crew of their expedition's ship, attracted by the fabulous treasures of Atlantis. The diving bell disabled, a deep sea monster attacks the boat. They are all dragged to the bottom of the sea where they meet the inhabitants of the lost continent, an advanced alien race that makes sailors their slaves.

2006 年 03 月 03 日


Gaira, a humanoid sea beast spawned from the discarded cells of Frankenstein's monster, attacks the shores of Tokyo. While the Japanese military prepares to take action, Gaira's Gargantua brother, Sanda, descends from the mountains to defend his kin. A battle between good and evil ensues, leaving brothers divided and a city in ruins.


There’s only one person who so accurately personifies movie magic in the history of film, and that man is special effects maestro Ray Harryhausen. Focusing on the man behind the landmark effects on films like Clash Of The Titans, One Million Years B.C., Jason And The Argonauts and many more, this in-depth film features interviews with the great man himself, and with an array of animators and directors influenced by his work including Guillermo del Toro, Peter Jackson, Nick Park, Terry Gilliam, James Cameron and Steven Spielberg. The film also features unseen footage of tests and experiments recently uncovered.



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