2. Juni 2016

Through the testimonies of some Italian women, the documentary evokes the day of 2 June 1946, when they were called upon to cast their vote for the first time. The battles conducted by Italian women in the years leading up to 1946 to demand recognition of the right to vote. The approval of the right to vote for women by the Italian Parliament on 1 February 1945, at the proposal of the Italian Communist Party Secretary Palmiro Togliatti and statesman and founder of the Christian Democratic Party De Gasperi. The role of the first 21 women elected to the Constituent Assembly on 2 June 1946, and their contribution to the writing of the Italian Constitution.

11 JUNE 2013 is one hundred years since Norwegian women got full voting rights on an equal basis with men. Norway was among the first countries in the world to introduce universal suffrage for both women and men. The work for universal suffrage for women went on for many years and was an issue that many people got involved in. The Voting Rights Committee has chosen to highlight four women who played a decisive role in the suffrage issue.

A three-part documentary about the long road to women's suffrage in Switzerland.

12. Mai 2006

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