3 Serien

14. Januar 2022

An archivist takes a job restoring damaged videotapes and gets pulled into the vortex of a mystery involving the missing director and a demonic cult.

Dr. Seuss Beginner Book Video is a 30-40 minute video series where the creators from Random House started a project by bringing Dr. Seuss' books to a video premiering series. The Dr. Seuss books are used as being on screen by computer animation and characters of the pages are moving at some point as the story from the book is being narrated.

1837: Another year of the grueling Caucasian war. A young officer, Grigory Pechorin, was sent into exile to the active army for participating in a duel. Here in the Caucasus, Pechorin will have to become an unwitting participant in rapidly unfolding events - a fight with smugglers, the abduction of a young Circassian princess, another duel.

And when the whole world turns against Pechorin, and a close friend falls by his hand, he will continue his journey alone, a hero, a product of the new age...

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