3 Filme

Drawn from elements of West African folk tales, it depicts how a newborn boy, Kirikou, saves his village from the evil witch Karaba.

Camp Blood is under new ownership as the updated "Camp Blackwood". Locals hope to bury the infamous clown killer's past, and release the victims from their torment. But when a pastor with ties to the previous grounds takes his church group out to make contact with restless spirits, wrath is all they are doomed to find. The clown killer is back, and this time he has an enemy of equal evil. His former cult followers have turned, as well as a vengeful witch, who will stop at nothing to see these titans of terror collide, and destroy anyone in their path.

An alternate universe version of Chester Zerum travels to the most notorious murder-suicide flat in the ZerumVerse - but finds something worse than Barbatachtian.

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