7 Filme

12. September 1952

During World War II, an American bomber pilot is rescued after drifting at sea aboard a raft. After being administered truth serum, he tells the doctor a story of how he and the three survivors of his plane crash washed up on an island that was inhabited by a tribe of beautiful primitive cave-women, dinosaurs and a group of savage cavemen who are bent on abducting the women for breeding purposes.

1. Januar 2004

Confused and afflicted with Woods Insanity Matt meets old friend Charlie in the woods. They discover that Druid Warlord McGee plans to release the "Vapor of Death." Now they must save both their concubines, and the world.

Druids, Romans and Norman knights return to Richmond for the 600th anniversary of the Yorkshire town's charter.

14. Mai 2002

A comedy movie by Matt Farley and Charles Roxburgh. It's both a part of their Druid-themed Thomasville series and an homage to the early 1980s horror movie The Pit. A wild and wacky no-budget comedy, Sammy was shot on DV and completed in 2002. The movie was filmed primarily in Manchester, New Hampshire, with some scenes also filmed in Connecticut.

22. September 2002

Matt (Matt Farley) has recently been elected mayor of Thomasville, a small New England town. Along with his assistant Charlie (Charlie Roxburgh), Matt has caused quite a stir by making radical proposals, such as the banishment of motorized vehicles and the construction of an underground pedestrian walkway. When he announces plans to develop a vast wilderness tract known as Cruben Country, Matt angers some of the city’s most powerful residents. Despite this stressful situation, Matt does his best to nurture a budding relationship with Melanie, a local newspaper reporter. With the covert Druids scheming against them, Matt and Charlie are about to find out that they not only have to fight for their political opinions, they also have to fight for their lives!

Sie waren die intellektuelle Elite der Kelten, waren Baumeister, Sternenkundige, Heiler: die Druiden. Sie konnten lesen und schreiben und hinterließen uns dennoch kein einziges geschriebenes Wort. Die Priester der Kelten gaben ihr geheimes Wissen ausschließlich mündlich weiter. Von Menschenopfern bis zu Zaubertränken – was ist wahr, was ist nur Fantasie?

13. Oktober 2003

An evil Druid warlord resurrects a young man and transforms him into a wicked superhero. With the help of a nice young woman, the superhero eventually begins to question his diabolical beliefs. As if his hands weren't full enough with his study of good and evil, he also has to deal with the confusion caused by his clone, the beasts of The Druid Gladiator Match, and, of course, the scheming Druid warlord.

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