18 sarjaa

25 maaliskuu 2018

Synkässä komediasarjassa masentunut palkkamurhaaja kokee valaistuksen ja innostuu innostuu Los Angelesin teatterimaailmasta. Rikosmaailma ei kuitenkaan hevillä irrota otettaan.

Ferhat is a hitman working for his criminal uncle. Aslı is a young and idealistic doctor. One day, their roads crossed in the most unexpected way: Aslı is forced to operate on a man that Ferhat had shot.

6 joulukuu 2017

Viinaanmenevä ex-kyttä ja palkkamurhaaja pelkää seonneensa, koska yksisarvinen – jota kukaan muu ei näe – pyytää häntä pelastamaan tytön, jonka joulupukki on siepannut.

8 toukokuu 1988

An unconscious man is washed ashore on the beach of a small French village during a heavy storm. A retired doctor takes care of the unconscious stranger. When the mysterious man recovers, he can't remember a thing...he does not know his name, he does not know where his flashback memories come from, and he does not know why the access code for an anonymous Swiss bank account is implanted in his thigh. As he seeks his own identity, things quickly become dangerous. There are attempts to kill him, he is well known in first class hotels across Europe, and worst of all, there are strange similarities between his memories and reported actions of the notorious terrorist, Carlos the Jackal.

17 helmikuu 2019

Julien Baptiste on Amsterdamissa etsimässä kadonnutta seksityöläistä. Hän sukeltaa syvälle punaisten lyhtyjen alueen rikollisten alamaailmaan ja paljastaa monimutkaisen petosten ja valheiden verkon.

2 maaliskuu 2009

Angel of Death is a web series of eight to ten minute episodes created by Ed Brubaker. The series stars Zoë Bell as Eve, an assassin taking revenge on her former employers, and costars Lucy Lawless. Angel of Death was produced by White Rock Lake Production and distributed by Sony Pictures Television. The episodes were released on Crackle from March 2 to March 13, 2009.

27 tammikuu 2021

Pikkurikollinen haluaa selvittää totuuden menneestään. Hän pettää erään lähipiiristään ja luo itselleen uuden identiteetin pienessä istanbulilaisessa naapurustossa.

22 toukokuu 2012

An assassin with a secret, Mia's life is changed forever by a letter from her ex.

13 huhtikuu 1993
28 maaliskuu 2011

On Christmas Eve, a hit-man enters a church to confess his sins to a priest. While at first the Confessor seems to be an evil, cold-blooded killing machine and the Priest the ultimate arbiter of good, as the Confessor’s journey is revealed, it becomes clear that both men are much more complicated than either could have suspected.

20 huhtikuu 2018

Etsiessään oikeudenmukaisuutta kodittomat salamurhaajat nylkevät ihmisuhrinsa ja toimittavat tatuoidut nahat todisteiksi suoritetuista toimeksiannoistaan.

2 lokakuu 2013

Roxie and Veronica are two gorgeous young women - who also happen to be highly trained contract killers. While on an errand for their boss, an unpleasant surprise in the trunk of their car turns this lethal pair into hunted targets.

16 elokuu 2012

Following a botched jewel heist, sociopath criminal Gunter Vogler is forced to assume the identity of a cop he shot and work undercover to take down the city’s crime lords.

9 tammikuu 2014

This documentary shines light on the underbelly, the causes and the consequences of some bloody gang executions which marked Quebec society.

30 joulukuu 2008

A fun-loving 30-something with abandonment issues becomes convinced that her dating problems will be resolved if she can only track down the father she never knew. When she finds him, she discovers that he's an assassin and that she may have found her calling.

30 toukokuu 2008
30 toukokuu 2023

Criminals is a Crime Web Series with 08 Episodes.

Taro Sakamoto used to be an unrivaled hit-man, earning legendary status in the underworld. But one day, the unthinkable happened. Sakamoto fell in love.

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