65 部电影

A successful erotic film producer from Rome regularly receives letters from female fans seeking his advice on how to spice up their sex lives. Thanks to his years of experience in both the film business and the sex industry, he has all sorts of tips at the ready and, in an emergency, is happy to make a house call himself to demonstrate his qualities in person.

1980 年 02 月 15 日

When New York is caught in the grip of a sadistic serial killer who preys on patrons of the city's underground bars, young rookie Steve Burns infiltrates the S&M subculture to try and lure him out of the shadows.

2002 年 09 月 20 日


Lee Holloway(瑪吉·吉倫哈爾 Maggie Gyllenhaal 飾)生活在一個不和諧的家庭里,從小就有「自毀」的行為,在精神治療中心治療一段時間回到家后,她要重新融入正常人的生活。於是她學習了打字,在一家律師事務所找到了一份打字員的工作。一開始,Lee打字出現了很多毛病,被她的僱主E. Edward Grey(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader 飾)發現,Grey把Lee叫到了他的辦公室,為了讓Lee深刻記得她的錯誤,他讓Lee趴在書桌上,然後他開始拿起皮鞭對她進行性虐待。久而久之,兩人產生了一種奇妙的情感,這也從另一方面減弱了Lee的「自毀」傾向。Lee愛上了Grey,然而Grey卻羞於讓人知道他的怪癖,於是他解僱了Lee。Lee的男友Peter(傑瑞米·戴維斯 Jeremy Davies 飾)向她求婚,她答應了,然而在婚禮當天,她卻逃到了Grey的辦公室...

2002 年 03 月 29 日

Erika Kohut, a sexually repressed piano teacher living with her domineering mother, meets a young man who starts romantically pursuing her.

這次,業餘猛男「畢老二」要出國喝洋墨水 ,到歐洲素有猛男界『霍華格茲』的種馬學校進修,沒想到出現了神秘殺人狂,專挑猛男下手,搞的人心惶惶,畢老二無端捲入其中,只好硬著頭皮與猛男們一起找出真相。 特色:台灣藝人大炳,得到電影公司的青睞,在這部好萊塢喜劇中軋上一角。

1964 年 07 月 17 日

本片是懸疑大師希區考克最膾炙人口的代表作之一,改編自溫斯頓葛拉罕(Winston Graham)的小說,參與客串演出的還有布魯斯鄧、瑪琳哈特莉、美樂蒂史考特湯瑪斯等老牌影星。 瑪妮(Tippi Hedren飾)是個技巧高明的慣竊,擅於利用自身美貌取得僱主信任後將之洗劫一空,而後立刻改變身份,換個地方另起爐灶;這位豔賊的最新目標是馬克(Sean Connery飾)位於費城的出版社,然而她卻不知道馬克正好是其前任僱主的客戶,因而當瑪妮前往求職時馬克立即認出她的真實身份,然而由於馬克個人對這位有趣的女賊感到好奇,因而決定暫時不動聲色,先好好觀察她的一舉一動…

1997 年 03 月 20 日

電影制片人詹姆斯(James Spader 飾)沉迷於性事,在女友凱瑟琳之外尚有不少情人。一次開車回傢的路上他與另一輛車相撞,詹姆斯腿部重傷,對面車中的夫妻兩人則丈夫死亡妻子海倫(Holly Hunter 飾)負傷,詹姆斯在報廢車場偶遇海倫,兩人由此結識,不久海倫帶他參觀瞭由醫生沃甘主持的撞車活動,這些愛好者熱衷用真實的撞車還原某些事故,詹姆斯進入瞭一個匪夷所思的圈子。沃甘身份神秘,宣揚撞車是釋放自我的有效途徑,為此不惜以身犯險。隨著詹姆斯與沃甘的交往不斷加深,兩人終於在車上發生瞭關系,而隨後沃甘駕車撞擊詹姆斯與凱瑟琳卻致使自己死亡。詹姆斯大難不死後又駕駛者一輛廢舊汽車撞向瞭凱瑟琳…… 本片獲1996年加拿大吉尼獎導演獎等多項褒獎。

2003 年 09 月 02 日

作為南加州最好的離婚官司律師,邁爾斯‧馬西(喬治‧克魯尼 飾)的精明之道令客戶非常滿意。而瑪麗蓮(凱瑟琳‧澤塔-瓊斯 飾)這個拜金女郎想利用自己的美色嫁入豪門後以離婚的名義取得高額的財產。而瑪麗蓮的丈夫請來了邁爾斯,以確保自己能在離婚官司中穩操勝券。



1997 年 03 月 21 日

Roy Chen Chih-Lai is a sick rapist/serial killer with a leg fetish, and cuts off his victims' legs as trophies after he's through with them. One day at a bank robbery shootout, he catches police woman Cheng Hsuen on camera, and chooses her to be his next victim. He begins to stalk her and enter her personal life, even waiting for her inside her home. He notices her sister, Kelly, as well (who is also a cop), and her boyfriend, Ken. After he kidnaps and rapes Kelly, Cheng decides to lure the madman by using herself as bait, and bring justice to the situation.

2015 年 06 月 26 日


2010 年 10 月 01 日

When the son of an alleged killer inherits a "blue movie" that may be the key to solving a 50 year old murder, he finds himself drawn into a forbidden world of sexual obsession. But the closer he gets to the heart of the mystery, the more the past threatens to reach out into the present and reveal terrifying truths that lead him to the brink of madness.

1971 年 01 月 21 日

25歲的安東尼(讓-皮埃爾·利奧德Jean-Pierre Léaud飾)與克里斯汀(克勞迪·賈德Claude Jade飾)結了婚,並在自家樓下開了一家深得左鄰右舍喜歡的小花店,日子雖然平常,卻也充滿小憂傷與小甜蜜。陰差陽錯,他在水利公司謀得一份差事,工作中結識冷豔的日本女子Kyoko(Hiroko Berghauer)後,他被對方身上的異國情調深深吸引,兩人墜入愛河,不久他與克里斯汀分居。但與東方美人一起生活時,巨大文化差異令他日益思念克里斯汀。

2016 年 06 月 17 日

Journalist David Farrier stumbles upon a mysterious tickling competition online. As he delves deeper he comes up against fierce resistance, but that doesn’t stop him getting to the bottom of a story stranger than fiction.

1996 年 10 月 30 日

A writer, researching a book on male prostitutes, finds a young man to serve as a guide on the streets of Los Angeles.

2006 年 06 月 10 日

When she is slightly hurt in the factory where she works, Iris quits her job and finds a new one as an assistant in a laboratory of a very peculiar kind. Without fully grasping what is at play around her, she gradually engages in a disturbing love affair with her enigmatic employer.

1988 年 12 月 21 日

故事發生在五十年代初期,亞妮娜(夏洛特·甘斯布 Charlotte Gainsbourg 飾)被家人寄養在鄉下嬸嬸家,那裡日復一日的無聊生活讓亞妮娜感到快要窒息了,她隻有靠偷竊商店裡的商品來找回一點點的刺激感。亞妮娜的偷竊行為被發現了,為此,她不得不開始尋找一份正經的工作,就這樣,她成為了蓋隆夫婦家的女傭。某一天,亞妮娜邂逅了名為米歇爾(Didier Bezace 飾)的中年男子,雖然米歇爾已經有了家庭,但亞妮娜還是向他展開了熱烈的攻勢,沒過多久,米歇爾就淪陷了。然而,此時的亞妮娜早已經有了新歡——一個名叫拉烏爾(西蒙德拉卜若思 Simon de La Brosse 飾)的扒手,不僅如此,亞妮娜的腹中還懷上了他的孩子。

2007 年 10 月 12 日

A lurid, dark look into the lives of sex workers, where victims of child abuse deal with the consequences later in life.

2009 年 03 月 11 日

In 1997, the Belgian public was in shock when judge Koen A. was convicted for the S&M relationship with his wife. Although their life was destroyed by the verdict, Koen and his wife Magda remain together today. The film is a story about dark sexuality and true love, told from the lover's unique point of view

1965 年 09 月 01 日

A grim police detective embarks on a one-man crusade to track down a depraved sex maniac when a nightclub deejay receives a disturbing series of obscene phone calls. Finding himself getting far too close to the victim for comfort, the hard-boiled cop must track down the unbalanced pervert before he can carry out his sick threats...

1997 年 07 月 04 日

A computer wizard infiltrates a London sex club to get evidence for a shutdown, but falls for the proprietress.



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