48 部电影

2023 年 11 月 22 日

一家人到豪華民宿度假,豈料發生網路攻擊,他們的 3C 產品全壞了,此時還有兩個陌生人出現在門口,開心假期瞬間驚悚變調。

1989 年 10 月 27 日

About to be electrocuted for a catalog of heinous crimes, the unrepentant Horace Pinker transforms into a terrifying energy source. Only young athlete Jonathan Parker, with an uncanny connection to him through bizarre dreams, can fight the powerful demon.

2006 年 05 月 12 日


1977 年 12 月 14 日

After an encounter with UFOs, an electricity linesman feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen.

該片的背景設定在2022年5月的洛杉磯(為原作《銀翼殺手》背景的三年後),泰瑞公司(Tyrell Corporation)決定生產壽命更長的複製人「連鎖八型」(NEXUS-8),此舉引發了世界各地的抗議行動,人們開始獵殺複製人。逃離宇宙戰場的步兵複製人伊基(Iggy)救下一名遭到欺凌的應召女郎複製人崔西(Trixie),並讓她加入他的行動——用油罐車炸毀泰瑞公司複製人資料庫,讓人類無法繼續追殺複製人。同時,伊基的內應、軍方人類技師蓮(Ren)會引爆核彈,引發電磁脈衝,讓洛杉磯陷入大停電[3]。

2004 年 01 月 23 日

艾雲對不愉快的童年印象模糊,失憶令他在困擾中成長。兒時心理醫生著他保存的生活筆記,和青梅竹馬的摯友姬莉、連尼及湯美,是他對往事的僅餘線索。十數年後,艾雲意外地發現筆記簿可帶他回到過去。艾雲知道要擺脫夢魘,一定要改寫過去,他孤注一擲,決定借童年的自己,扭轉今日的命運。 然而,當艾雲每次在「過去」改變歷史,「現在」的境況也會一同變異,仿似物理現象的連鎖反應──不可思議的「BUTTERFLY EFFECT」,令情況越變越壞,竟致一發不可收拾。

你不認識她,但她一直都從列車車窗看著你。剛失婚的Rachel(艾美莉賓特 飾)每天都會乘搭列車來回曼哈頓,每次經過她與前夫(賈斯汀費路斯 飾)的舊居都會勾起昔日回憶,可是現在與愛人共偕連理的已是另一個女人(莉碧嘉費格遜 飾)。為免觸景傷情,Rachel把注意力轉移到隔璧的房屋,那裡住了一對年輕夫妻Megan(希莉賓妮 飾)和Scott(盧克伊雲斯 飾)。日復日,她都從列車窺看著這對陌生人,想像他們的美滿生活以及自己夢寐難求的婚姻。一天,Rachel看到他們家後園發生一件不尋常的事...... 不久,她從新聞頭條得知Megan離奇失蹤多日,生死未卜,於是告訴警方她當日目睹的事情。究竟Rachel當日看到甚麼?她提供的線索會否就是破案關鍵?她,究竟是旁觀者還是局內人?

A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.

1976 年 10 月 08 日

The lone inhabitants of an abandoned police station are under attack by the overwhelming numbers of a seemingly unstoppable street gang.

2012 年 05 月 04 日

A group of cooks at an asylum for the criminally insane get locked in with the inmates during a massive thunderstorm

1986 年 12 月 25 日

Failed actress Alex Sternbergen wakes up hungover one morning in an apartment she does not recognize, unable to remember the previous evening -- and with a dead body in bed next to her. As she tries to piece together the events of the night, Alex cannot totally rely on friends or her estranged husband, Joaquin, for assistance. Only a single ally, loner ex-policeman Turner Kendall, can help her escape her predicament and find the true killer.

2014 年 03 月 06 日

Claire is under the grip of a mysterious new cult called Faults. Desperate to be reunited with their daughter, Claire's parents recruit one of the world's foremost experts on mind control, Ansel Roth.

2007 年 08 月 07 日

Christy (Zehetner) returns to her hometown years after a car accident that disfigured her older sister. Haunted by the accident in which she was the driver, she learns that her worst nightmares have either come true ... or are about to.

2017 年 05 月 02 日

A young man's life is turned upside down when his violent dreams begin to blend with reality.

2023 年 12 月 14 日

Rome today: the Eternal City is surrounded by wildfires. In the centre, ravaged by corruption and violence, three old gangsters unite their last energies to save a boy that has failed the wrong person.


1941 年 12 月 31 日

Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.

2009 年 12 月 24 日

It's Christmas Eve, the city goes dark, and the few remaining tenants of The Ravenwood find themselves trapped in their building. And they are not alone.

1978 年 09 月 13 日

A black comedy of violent criminals who terrorize apartment dwellers during New York's 1977 power blackout.

1996 年 08 月 30 日

A blackout leaves those affected to consider what is necessary, what is legal, and what is questionable, in order to survive in a predatory environment.



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