24 elokuvaa

Hongkongilainen poliisi Chan Ka-Kui värvätään CIA:n ja venäläisen tiedustelujärjestön toimesta etsimään varastetun ukrainalaisen ydinkärjen. Chan jahtaa petollista CIA:n agenttia lumisilta Ukrainan vuorilta aina haita vilisevään vesipuistoon Australiassa. Hänen kimppuunsa hyökätään ja hänet yritetään lavastaa syylliseksi. Chan joutuu elämänsä villeimpään seikkailuun ja puolustautumaan kaikin keinoin - kaikki käden ulottuvilla oleva kelpaa taisteluvälineeksi: tikkaat, luudat, pöydät, autot, puujalat ja jopa hait!

13 joulukuu 2013

Tämän arvostelumenestykseksi nousseen elokuvan pääosissa ovat Tom Hanks ja Emma Thompson. Tositarinaan perustuva elokuva kertoo Disneyn rakastetun “Maija Poppasen” syntyvaiheista. Walt Disney halusi pitää tyttärilleen antamansa lupauksen ja taisteli 20 vuotta saadakseen itsepäisen kirjailijattaren P.L. Traversin luovuttamaan oikeudet elokuvaan. Mutta vasta oman monimutkaisen lapsuutensa läpikäyminen auttaa Waltia ymmärtämään Traversia vaivaavat aaveet, ja yhdessä he vapauttavat “Maija Poppasen” valkokankaalle.

15 elokuu 2013

A murdered girl is found under a bridge on a remote road and indigenous detective Jay Swan gets the case. Jay finds that no-one is that interested in solving the murder of an indigenous teenager and he is forced to work alone.

Tony Fingleton kasvaa köyhässä brisbanelaisessa perheessä 50-luvun Australiassa. Alkoholismiin taipuvainen Harold-isä on mielivaltainen öykkäri, joka terrorisoi Dora-vaimoaan ja lapsiaan. Työttömällä perheenpäällä on kuitenkin suuria suunnitelmia jälkikasvunsa suhteen. Tony ei kuitenkaan onnistu saavuttamaan isän hyväksyntää, vaan Harold päättää, että John-veljellä on parhaat edellytykset mestariuimariksi. Veljiensä varjoon jäänyt Tony ei kuitenkaan luovuta: hän aikoo voittaa isänsä kunnioituksen ja kiintymyksen todistamalla arvonsa olympialaisissa.

9 lokakuu 2003

Gettin' Square is about starting over, keeping clean and going straight. Barry Wirth is fresh out of prison and determined to stay on the straight and narrow. But like his mate Johnny 'Spit' Spiteri and reformed gangster turned restaurateur Dabba, he finds out the hard way that there are old scores and a few new ones that'll make getting square a lot harder than he thought.

14 toukokuu 1969

An elderly artist thinks he has become too stale and is past his prime. His friend (and agent) persuades him to go to an offshore island to try once more. On the island he re-discovers his muse in the form of a young girl.

Steve Irwin, AKA The Crocodile Hunter, has avoided the death-roll and saved a croc from poachers. But what he doesn't know is that the crocodile has swallowed a top secret U.S. satellite beacon, and the poachers are actually American special agents sent to retrieve it.

21 joulukuu 1989

A small town in Australia, in the late 1950s: Brownie and Lola are deeply in love. But because they are under-age, their parents are against their relationship and try to separate them.

29 kesäkuu 1988

In the Australian outback, a park ranger and two local guides set out to track down a giant crocodile that has been killing and eating the local populace..

A search for love, meaning and bathroom solitude. Danny goes through a series of shared housing experiences in a succession of cities on the east coast of Australia. Together these vignettes form a narrative that is surprisingly reflective.

5 elokuu 2000

An Australian truck driver writes romance novels. His engaged, tomboyish, crop duster best friend's name, Ruby Vale, is unasked used as author. Complications arise when his novel takes off. Will they remain friends or...?

19 kesäkuu 1987

Travelling North tells the story of Frank, a crotchety old man with an unending zest and passion for life and Frances his much younger companion travelling to Queensland to enjoy their retirement and each other. Unfortunately the North cannot calm Frank's complex personality and Frances watches helplessly as Frank struggles to understand his own emotional and physical limitations.

16 marraskuu 1994

In Queensland's outback, a single mother from Brisbane, who's tired of her old life as a singer, bonds with a handsome truck driver, who can also sing but would rather be a cattle breeder, over their love for country music.

19 joulukuu 1936

Marion Hastings returns to her father Dan's cattle property in western Queensland after being away in Europe for fifteen years. She is treated with hostility by her father's foreman, Dick Drake, and her father's neighbour, Don Lawton.

12 maaliskuu 2002

Every year more than 70,000 Australian school leavers head to the beaches of Australia's Gold Coast to celebrate their release from the secondary school system. With a wild mixture of sun, surf and sex, this quintessential Australian tradition is known affectionately as 'Schoolies Week'. So strap on the beer goggles and follow several groups of friends as they travel to the Gold Coast by train, clapped out Holden, Limo and on foot in search of the best time of their lives.

23 kesäkuu 1983

Mike and Johnny are two mates who are mining sapphires in Emerald. Another bloke is trying to move in on their claim and things get ugly

Two Australian sugarcane cutters spend their annual five-month vacations in Sydney with their mistresses.

9 kesäkuu 1988

Rikky (Nina Landis) and her brother Pete (Stephen Kearney) struggle to keep their lives from spinning out of control in small town Australia.

25 heinäkuu 1988

A true story. In 1937, a routine passenger and mail flight crashes during bad weather on a flight between Brisbane and Sydney. A local bushman begins his own search, and finds the wreckage and two survivors ten days after the crash.

13 joulukuu 1977

Jamie Carr is a young man growing up in Bundaberg, Northern Queensland during the closing years of World War I. Jamie, who is in his final year of high school, was brought up by his grandmother. Grandma Carr is known and loved by all in the town, and does her best to help Jamie through the emotional turmoil of adolescence and a society struggling under old traditions and beliefs in a new country.

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