8 Filme

9. Mai 2022

Seeking refuge on an island in Upstate New York, a married couple's final attempt to salvage their failing relationship takes a turn for the worse when the husband begins to regress emotionally, mentally, and physically.

12. Juni 1998

After getting fired from his teaching job and dumped by his girlfriend, Jack, a painter, embarks on a soul searching road trip with his dog, Scout. However, bad weather and bumps in the road quickly cause more problems than he can handle. An impulsive decision to take from a bag full of unknown pills leads him on a drug-fueled journey with no destination in sight, and he soon finds himself making both friends and foes along the way.

27. Oktober 2023

At her mother's rambling behest, Josie enlists best friend and unofficial chauffeur Stanley, to search for clues after her sister, Andrea, mysteriously goes missing from a bar in the next town over. Eccentric roaming artists, less-than-helpful locals, and a shadowy secret society lead to more clues than answers but one thing keeps coming back; The Wild. Maybe there is more to the family curse that has lingered over Josie's head all of these years.

Cuban drummer Elvis García reflects on his journey from Havana to Miami, struggling to make his way in the American city as a professional musician.

Belgian movie-icon Marc Didden's artistic documentary about the houses he lived in throughout his life.

A teenage boy is home alone for the weekend but when nocturnal creatures living in his attic escape, he must survive.

12. Oktober 2023

Fed up with surviving on social crumbs, he takes a surreal flight to find a hidden truth.

In a dull world, we need color, but what if this colorful idealization turns against you?

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