12 편

미술인가 과학인가, 베르메르의 그림에 숨겨진 비밀은?

미국 텍사스 출신의 발명가 팀 제니슨은 미술 역사상 가장 큰 미스터리 중 하나를 해결하려는 프로젝트를 시도한다. 바로 17세기 네덜란드의 대화가인 요하네스 베르메르가 사진기가 발명되기 150년 전에, 어떻게 사진과도 똑같은 극사실적인 그림을 그릴 수 있었던 것인가에 관한 연구이다. 팀은 17세기에 존재했던 렌즈와 거울만을 사용하여 베르메르가 사용했을 법한 기술을 개발하고, 그의 그림을 재현하는데...

서부의 구닥다리 표류자 프랭크와 브루노는 린드와 팀을 이뤄 그녀의 땅을 되찾고 과거 1870년대 서부 애리조나를 여행한다. 그것은 온갖 과학이론들의 결합일 수도 아니면 단지 진정한 우리의 기억을 찾기 위한 여행일 수도 있다. 무엇이 됐든, 그곳엔 총과 말, 댄스홀 그리고 술과 선인장이 기다리고 있다!

9월 6, 1946

Art curator George Steele experiences a train wreck...which never happened. Is he cracking up, or the victim of a plot?

8월 8, 1969

A San Francisco couple travels to France in search of Pablo Picasso.

12월 21, 1993

Margaret (Lena Headey) is a shy, pale, middle-class Englishwoman who is reluctantly engaged to her older, twittish neighbor Syl Monro (David Threlfall). Both bride- and groom-to-be still live with their mothers in the humdrum suburb of Croydon. However Margaret has been acting strangely ever since a vacation in Egypt, where she stayed with her mother's friend Marie-Claire (Catherine Schell). She secretly despises Syl, but does not resist when her mother Monica (Julie Walters), who has repressed the failure of her own matrimony, insists on marriage for the sake of social convention.

What had initially started out as a Jewish revolt against the Roman occupation, quickly turned into a fierce civil war. The combination of religious messianic zeal and the friction between social classes proved disastrous and resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple.

3월 14, 2023

Taqralik Partridge asks what if every language that had been lost to English — every word, every syllable — grew up out of the ground in flowers? Taqralik’s grandmother’s Scottish Gaelic and her father’s Inuktitut unfold in memories of her family, of pain, and of love.

After the family moved to the new home, their daughter is possessed by a male demon, which is the same man in an old painting.

Unique film of the Impressionist painter Edgar Degas captured walking down a street in Paris in 1915.

9월 22, 2021

An old man's vision of a drowning world is clouded. He decides to take radical actions inflicting damage to his surroundings. Instigating a self-destructive chain of events, coming from the dark abyss of his subconsciousness.

12월 1, 2004

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