20 elokuvaa

Tom Welles on tavallinen perheenisä ja yksityisetsivä. Tom elättää perhettään selvittelemällä hienotunteisesti ökyrikkaille tyypillisiä kulissientakaisia keskiverto-ongelmia, aviorikoksia yms. Tasaiseen keskivertoarkeen tulee kuitenkin vaihtelua, kun vastahaudatun teollisuuspohatan leski tarvitsee Tomin palveluksia. Ryhdikkäänä tunnetun vainajan kassakaapista on löytynyt 8 mm:n filmille kuvattu snuff-elokuva, eli tässä tapauksessa nuoren tytön raiskaus ja murha. Leski haluaa tietää onko filmi huijausta vai onko filmillä näkyvä nuori tyttö todella murhattu. Filmin alkuperän metsästys vie Tomin Floridaan. Siellä hän ottaa apurikseen pornofilmejä myyvän kirjakaupan harjoittelijan Maxin. He sukeltavat syvälle pornoteollisuuden pohjamutiin etsien snuff-elokuvia ja pääsevät uusille vereksille jäljille. Welles saa kuitenkin huomata olevansa itsekkin synkällä matkalla ihmismielen salattuihin ja pimeimpiin syövereihin, kun pornobisneksen perverssiot ottavat otteen hänestä itsestään.

Videodrome - tuhon ase kertoo maailmasta, jossa video voi kontrolloida ja muuttaa ihmisten elämiä, ja jossa TV-ohjelmat voivat houkutella ja kontrolloida sen katsojia tekemään, mitä hirvittävämpiä tekoja.

14 heinäkuu 2021

Five people travelling by camper crash into a tree. When they recover, the road they were driving on has been replaced by an impenetrable forest and a wooden house.

23 toukokuu 2014

Kuumana kesäyönä vuonna 1989, perheellinen Richard Dane herää, kun kulee murtautujan tunkeutuvan kotiinsa. Paniikissa hän ampuu tunkeutujan kuoliaaksi... mutta tästä alkaa varsinainen painajainen. Vaikka häntä pidetään pikkukaupungissa sankarina niin Dane alkaa pelätä perheensä puolesta, kun tunkeutujan isä ja entinen linnakundi saapuu kaupunkiin etsimään kostoa. Mutta asiat eivät ole sitä miltä näyttävät. Poliisien harhaanjohtamana ja epätoivoisena etsimään vastauksia, Richard ryhtyy selvittämään mitä tuona kyseisenä yönä oikein tapahtui.

The high-profile case of serial killer Ludovic Chevalier has just gone to trial, and Kelly-Anne is obsessed. When reality blurs with her morbid fantasies, she goes down a dark path to seek the final piece of the case's puzzle.

9 helmikuu 1979

A conservative Midwest businessman ventures into the sordid underworld of pornography in search of his runaway teenage daughter who’s making hardcore films in the pits of Los Angeles.

15 huhtikuu 2016

An aspiring filmmaker goes to shocking extremes to convince Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway to star in his film. First entry in Adrian Țofei's trilogy which includes We Put the World to Sleep and Pure.

Michelle lives in Paris with René, who is influential politicians. One morning as Michelle discovers that her 18-year-old daughter Lauren has not come home from a pub tonight. René does not want to involve the police, because he does not want a scandal that could affect his political career negative. They decide instead to hire a private investigator. It turns out that Lauren has been kidnapped to be used by a gang producing snuff. Detective withdraws from the case, however, because he fears for his life and Michelle decides to find their own daughter. The hunt goes by porn swamps in Paris, Amsterdam and Hamburg.

15 joulukuu 2022

A man goes through extreme measures to attempt to stop the ghosts of the girls he murdered in a snuff film from haunting while trying to keep the authorities off his back as well.

10 maaliskuu 1985

The third installment of the infamous "is it real or fake?" mondo series sets its sights primarily on serial killers, with lengthy reenactments of police investigations of bodies being found in dumpsters, and a staged courtroom sequence.

28 lokakuu 2019

An abducted young girl, a murderous filmmaker and his reluctant accomplice are drawn into a deadly power struggle.

A moderator on an internet video-sharing platform stumbles across a potential snuff film ring hidden in the depths of the site's content. Are these gruesome videos merely a morbid work of shock-value fiction, or something all too horribly real?

1 tammikuu 1995

Sam organizes a snuff movie at a museum without his two accomplices knowing what he had planned. But things don't go as expected.

12 kesäkuu 2018

From the darkest corners of the world come acts of unspeakable violence and scenes of cruelty and pure evil caught on film. Snuffology is a collection of videos containing various sex crimes and murders committed to celluloid, many from the personal collections of disturbed and depraved individuals lacking any sympathy or emotion for their heavily suffering victims.

After producing a successful underground snuff movie, were the lead actress is raped and killed, the Brazilian Miguel returns to São Paulo pretending to be the American director Michael Tracey and convinces his partner Bob Channing to cast and hire a crew to produce another movie. With attractive salaries, they hire the broken cinema technician Edson Lima and his assistant Juarez. Together, they cast the stripper and hooker Lia de Souza; the decadent and former famous actress Taty Ibanez; the aspirant actress Glória Verdi; the candidate of Miss Contest, the Miss São Paulo Maria Rosa; and an actor interned in a mental institution, Sérgio Bandeira. The group believes that they are going to secretly shoot porn, and moves to the small town of Limeira. When Bob falls in love for Lia, he tries to convince Michael to forget the snuff and avoid her death. But Michael is reluctant and does not want to give up his project. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

23 lokakuu 2012

Murder collective maintains a compound where they film all the murders and mayhem they commit.

25 lokakuu 1991

Radical feminist Andrea Dworkin's expose on the pornography industry.

1 lokakuu 2004

A sadist lures fledgeling actress to his den of horrors, promising them fame if they act in his "snuff film." They realize only after they are tied up that he really means to torture, rape, and kill them for all to see.

Carlson International / Vidimax pseudo-snuff short.

17 robberies... 11 murders... 6 states...2 lovers...1 camera... A film crew sets out to find answers to the worst crime spree in years, and uncovers a secret they never dreamed.

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