57 filmų

Po įvykių filme „Keršytojai. Pabaiga“ bei „Toras. Meilė ir griaustinis“, visų mylimi ir žavingieji Galaktikos Sergėtojai, nors ir išvargę, bet grįžta tęsti pradėtus darbus. Šaunusis „Padangių lordas“ Piteris Kvilas (akt. Chris Pratt), vis dar gedintis žavingosios Gamoros (akt. Zoe Saldana), turi suburti likusią komandą, kad dar kartą apgintų visatą ir apsaugotų vieną iš savų. Jei nebus sėkmingai įvykdyta, svarbiausia grupės misija, gali nulemti sergėtojų pabaigą. Metas griebti jautį už ragų.

Ypatingai linksma komedija ir ypatingai solidus žvaigždžių sąrašas.Kai JAV palydovai nufotografuoja daug skraidančiųjų lėkščių, atvykstančių į Žemę, Amerikos Prezidentas Džeimsas susitinka su savo patarėjais. Jis yra įtikintas profesoriaus Donaldo, kad marsiečiai išsivysčiusi kultūra ir todėl turėtų būti taikus. Nepaisant generolo Dekerio įspėjimo, valdžios organai, kai kurie civiliai ruošia laukiamą svetimšalių sutikimą, tačiau tik tada jie įsitikina, kad marsiečiai iš tikrųjų puola Žemę. Jie protingesni ir aktyvesni už žemiečius, jų ginklai galingesni, o jumoras aštresnis, todėl Žemės naikinimas jiems tapo linksmu žaidimu. Žmonės turi rasti būdą išgyventi.

1994 lapkričio 18

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-D find themselves at odds with the renegade scientist Soran who is destroying entire star systems. Only one man can help Picard stop Soran's scheme...and he's been dead for seventy-eight years.

1996 lapkričio 22

The Borg, a relentless race of cyborgs, are on a direct course for Earth. Violating orders to stay away from the battle, Captain Picard and the crew of the newly-commissioned USS Enterprise E pursue the Borg back in time to prevent the invaders from changing Federation history and assimilating the galaxy.

2001 rugpjūčio 24

In 2176, a Martian police unit is sent to pick up a highly dangerous criminal at a remote mining post. Upon arrival, the cops find the post deserted and something far more dangerous than any criminal — the original inhabitants of Mars, hellbent on getting their planet back.

Kapitonas Žanas Lukas Pikardas ir jo erdvėlaivio įgula susigrumia su nauju šiurpinančiu priešu, kuris visų nuostabai turi ryšių su Pikardu! Po smagių Raikerioir Trojosvestuvių Pikardas sulaukia dar vienos džiugios žinios: romulanai nori taikos, o kapitonas žada tapti federacijos pasiuntiniu. Tačiau „Enterprise” priartėjus prie romulanų imperijos, jie išvysta laukiantį priešą, slepiantį demonišką sunaikinimo planą ir neįtikimą paslaptį, kuri Pikardui bus milžiniškas iššūkis.

Kai pastebimas didžiulės galios ateivių erdvėlaivis, artėjantis prie Žemės, admirolas Jamesas T. Kirkas, norėdamas jį sulaikyti, vėl vadovauja pertvarkytam „USS Enterprise“.

1986 lapkričio 26

It's the 23rd century, and a mysterious alien power is threatening Earth by evaporating the oceans and destroying the atmosphere. In a frantic attempt to save mankind, Kirk and his crew must time travel back to 1986 San Francisco where they find a world of punk, pizza and exact-change buses that are as alien as anything they've ever encountered in the far reaches of the galaxy. A thrilling, action-packed Star Trek adventure!

The crew of the Federation starship Enterprise is called to Nimbus III, the Planet of Intergalactic Peace. They are to negotiate in a case of kidnapping only to find out that the kidnapper is a relative of Spock. This man is possessed by his life long search for the planet Sha Ka Ree which is supposed to be the source of all life. Together they begin to search for this mysterious planet.

As Usagi and her friends enjoy Christmas vacation, an unusual and fierce snowstorm hits town... The evil Snow Queen Kaguya has returned to claim Earth as her own. Crucial to Queen Kaguya's plan is a magical crystal from outer space, approaching Earth disguised as a comet. Once she gets hold of the crystal, she will have the power to suck away all life energy and cover the Earth in ice. Will Sailor Moon find the crystal before Queen Kaguya? Will her powers be enough to save the Earth from permanent winter? All hope lies with the Legendary Ultimate Scout Power!

It is the 23rd century. The Federation Starship U.S.S. Enterprise is on routine training maneuvers and Admiral James T. Kirk seems resigned to the fact that this inspection may well be the last space mission of his career. But Khan is back. Aided by his exiled band of genetic supermen, Khan - brilliant renegade of 20th century Earth - has raided Space Station Regula One, stolen a top secret device called Project Genesis, wrested control of another Federation Starship and sets out in pursuit of the Enterprise, determined to let nothing stand in the way of his mission: kill Admiral Kirk... even if it means universal Armageddon.

1998 gruodžio 11

When an alien race and factions within Starfleet attempt to take over a planet that has "regenerative" properties, it falls upon Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to defend the planet's people as well as the very ideals upon which the Federation itself was founded.

2001 gruodžio 3

A top-secret government weapons designer is arrested by a clandestine government organization on suspicion of being a clone created by the hostile alien race wanting to take over Earth.

1998 spalio 23

Sergeant Todd is a veteran soldier for an elite group of the armed forces. After being defeated by a new breed of genetically engineered soldiers, he is dumped on a waste planet and left for dead. He soon interacts with a group of crash survivors who lead out a peaceful existence. The peace is broken as the new soldiers land on the planet to eliminate the colony, which Sergeant Todd must defend.

1983 liepos 29

A prince and a fellowship of companions set out to rescue his bride from a fortress of alien invaders who have arrived on their home planet.

2018 vasario 25

On a lonely mission to Alpha Centauri, Milutin is teamed up with Nimani 1345, a female cyborg designed to fulfill his every need. At first thrilled to be able to control her, Sebastian grows tired of having his desires fulfilled so easily. Longing for human intimacy, Sebastian alters Nimani's programmed responses, but in doing so he risks the mission's security — and his own life.

After years of war, the Federation and the Klingon empire find themselves on the brink of a peace summit when a Klingon ship is nearly destroyed by an apparent attack from the Enterprise. Both worlds brace for what may be their deadliest encounter.

2000 balandžio 25

7 years on from the original Fortress movie, Brennick and his family are still on the run. Finally, they give in, and surrender, only to find themselves imprisoned in a new, more sophisticated fortress prison in outer space. But Brennick's not a man to give in easily, and with a 10 year old son waiting for him back on earth, he's going to pack some serious assault on the evil corporation.

Admiral Kirk and his bridge crew risk their careers stealing the decommissioned Enterprise to return to the restricted Genesis planet to recover Spock's body.

2008 lapkričio 17

What lengths will a robot undergo to do his job? BURN·E is a dedicated hard working robot who finds himself locked out of his ship. BURN·E quickly learns that completing a simple task can often be a very difficult endeavor.

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