58 部电影

1995 年 06 月 09 日

崔氏傳播派查理到薩伊薩去尋找鑽石礦脈,但過不久,查理被猩猩攻擊,消失在叢林之中。於是,崔氏傳播再度派出凱倫以及靈長類科學家彼得,深入剛果叢林。 一行人藉著被彼得飼養的猩猩艾美的引領,發現了查理的蹤跡與所羅門王的鑽礦。不料寶藏所在地已變成猩猩的巢穴,一行人面臨無窮的危機…。

耶魯大學高材生威爾森(麥特戴蒙 飾),擁有高道德標準,注重榮譽並謹言慎行,這些個人特質帶他進入剛成立的中情局(CIA)中。 威爾森懷抱著理想,於二次世界大戰時加入組織,成為諜報人員。歷經冷戰時期風風雨雨,走過這一切,威爾森日漸成為傑出的老手,但也無法對任何人抱持信任,透過他的雙眼,回顧CIA種種往事,成為諜報員的代價之高,是威爾森始料未及的,他不但犧牲奉獻了當初的理想,最後甚至賠上了他的家庭… 以美國中情局史上的重要事件為框架-始於二次世界大戰期間的戰略服務處,以中情局在1961年時,未能圓滿達成豬灣行動任務的事件結尾。他的劇本檢視了美國中情局創始者當時的處境。「我對早期的中情局人員以及他們的來歷,都做了一番研究。」羅素表示。「幾乎都是耶魯大學骷髏會的成員。」這是個排外性強、由白人領導的長春藤聯盟上流階層,被視為美國最優秀與最有頭腦的人,主宰了整個國家機器。

1959 年 06 月 18 日

After leaving a wealthy Belgian family to become a nun, Sister Luke struggles with her devotion to her vows during crisis, disappointment, and World War II.

本片是改編自真人真事,入圍了當年五項奧斯卡大獎(最佳女主角、最佳剪輯、最佳電影配樂、最佳音效、最佳改編劇本),並獲得金球獎最佳女主角、最佳電影配樂(並入圍最佳劇情類影片)。 片中敘述畢生致力於保育黑猩猩的女生態學家黛安佛西的故事。雪歌妮薇佛飾演這位堅毅、自信、獨立而熱情的傳奇女性,這位生態保育專家為了研究瀕臨絕種的非洲黑猩猩,毅然捨棄文明世界,在蓊鬱的迷霧森林中居住了十八年,成為牠們的朋友兼保護者。 澳洲演員布萊恩布朗飾演前往記錄該活動的攝影師。

2012 年 08 月 09 日

Found footage of an expedition into the Congo jungle where a team of explorers stumbles upon a colony of Dinosaurs.

1952 年 02 月 20 日

故事發生在第一次世界大戰時期的1914年的德屬東非的坦尚尼亞。 查理·奧耐特是一名因失業而流落到非洲的礦山機械工人,羅斯·塞耶是一位向非洲土人傳道的拘謹的女教士。為了逃離德國軍隊的控制區,兩人同乘一艘破舊的遊艇——「非洲皇后號」,沿河順流而下。途中這對個性迥異的中年男女不僅產生了真摯的愛情,最後還把小船改裝成魚雷艇,勇敢地擊沉了一艘德國戰艦。

Irish Commandant Pat Quinlan leads a stand off with troops against French and Belgian Mercenaries in the Congo during the early 1960s.

1966 年 02 月 11 日

A documentary about the end of the colonial era in Africa, portraying acts of animal poaching, violence, executions, and tribal slaughter.

1968 年 07 月 03 日

A band of mercenaries led by Captain Curry travel through war-torn Congo across deadly terrain, battling rival armies, to steal $50 million in uncut diamonds. But infighting, sadistic rebels and a time lock jeopardize everything.

1942 年 12 月 12 日

In Africa early in World War II, a British rubber plantation executive reminisces about his arrival in the Congo in 1910. He tells the story of a love-hate triangle involving Harry Witzel, an in-country station superintendent who'd seen it all, Langford, a new manager sent from England for a four-year stint, and Tondelayo, a siren of great beauty who desires silk and baubles. Witzel is gruff and seasoned, certain that Langford won't be able to cut it. Langford responds with determination and anger, attracted to Tondelayo because of her beauty, her wiles, and to get at Witzel. Manipulation, jealousy, revenge, and responsibility play out as alliances within the triangle shift.

1994 年 03 月 13 日

A trading company manager travels up an African river to find a missing outpost head and discovers the depth of evil in humanity's soul.

2000 年 05 月 13 日

The true story of the rise to power and brutal assassination of the formerly vilified and later redeemed leader of the independent Congo, Patrice Lumumba. Using newly discovered historical evidence, Haitian-born and later Congo-raised writer and director Raoul Peck renders an emotional and tautly woven account of the mail clerk and beer salesman with a flair for oratory and an uncompromising belief in the capacity of his homeland to build a prosperous nation independent of its former Belgian overlords. Lumumba emerges here as the heroic sacrificial lamb dubiously portrayed by the international media and led to slaughter by commercial and political interests in Belgium, the United States, the international community, and Lumumba's own administration; a true story of political intrigue and murder where political entities, captains of commerce, and the military dovetail in their quest for economic and political hegemony.

1932 年 10 月 01 日

The ruthless Flint, a disabled man, rules an isolated region of Kongo like an omnipotent god, through superstition and sadism, living only for the day when he can get revenge on the man who ruined his life.

1940 年 01 月 19 日

Maisie gets lost in a jungle in Africa and the jungle of romance. The African jungle has snakes, crocodiles and witch doctors. The romantic jungle has a dedicated doctor with an un-dedicated wife and an embittered doctor who is dedicated to no one.

In May 1978, the mining town of Kolwezi in Katanga, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo, the former Belgian Congo) is under attack from a group of communist guerillas coming from nearby Angola. The Europeans who work for the Belgian mining company and the Blacks who live in the town are taken as hostages by the invaders, who start a blood bath, shooting Europeans as well as Africans. Many of the Europeans being French, the French decide to organize a counter-attack, and to send a Regiment of Paratroopers from the Foreign Legion. The movie follows the stories of Delbart, a former non-commissioned officer, who was about to go back to France with his African wife and his child, Damrémont, who was Delbart's replacement, Bia, a Zairian doctor, and Annie, an American married to a Belgian engineer as well as Non com Legion officer Federico and the French Ambassador and the Military Attaché.

1949 年 09 月 01 日

Jenny and her six-year-old son, Tommy, are flying over the Belgian Congo when they are forced to bail out and become separated. Jenny lands in a dense jungle and is rescued by a safari headed by two wild-animal collectors, but Tommy is not found. He has amnesia and is lost, but is adopted by Zamba, a huge gorilla. He lives happily with his new family. Jenny comes back with a searching party, and Zamba, the gorilla mother, is determined to protect Tommy from his real mother.

1998 年 02 月 20 日

Along an overgrown rail track south of the Zairean town Kisangani, a UN expedition together with a handful of journalists discover “lost” refugees. They are eighty thousand Hutus from far away Rwanda, the last survivors of three years of hunger and armed persecution that transpired throughout the vast Congo basin. The Hutu-refugees leave the forest, gathering in two gigantic camps. Hundreds of refugees die every day from diseases and malnutrition The Rwandans are promised repatriation with airplanes out of Kisangani. The film traces those refugees into the heart of the rainforest, and the hopeless attempts to help them.. But only four weeks later, the unprotected UN-camps are again attacked by machine-gun fire, deliberately massacred by factions of the rebel army (AFDL) of today’s Democratic Republic Congo. Eighty thousand men, women and children disappear once again back into the jungle. (jedensvet.cz)

2022 年 08 月 20 日

Tozoom site Africa conceals treasures that ignite the imagination of travellers, but also that of all... Who has not dreamed of this magical continent and of living adventures there, Clover tomas when he was well seated in its sometimes somewhat mischievousness, this work envelops you in a very friendly warmth and manages to conquer it.

1974 年 04 月 02 日

Sven Nykvist, best known as Ingmar Bergman cinematographer, made this film as a tribute to his father who was a missionary in Kongo in the early 20th century. The story of his father Gustav Natanael Nykvist is told through his own photos, letters, and films. Director & cinematographer: Sven Nykvist. Narrators: Liv Ullmann & Sean Connery Produced by Ingmar Bergman (Cinematograph AB). Digitally restored in 2022.

1987 年 11 月 17 日

A young man with dreams of pursuing a career in music moves form his small village to the capital. Along the way he falls head over heels for a woman - the same woman his boss is also pursuing for his own reasons.



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