King Hyeonjong and Kang Kam-chan led the 8-year-long 2nd and 3rd Goryeo-Khitan Wars to victory and began an era of peace in East Asia and prosperity in Goryeo.

4 elokuu 2023

A love-story between a noblewoman and a mysterious man who shows up in her hometown set in the 1600s during the Qing invasion.

Set in the Baekje kingdom in the mid-7th century, the drama chronicles the life and times of the storied warrior General Gyebaek who is remembered in history for leading Baekje's last stand against the Silla in the Battle of Hwangsanbeol.

Empress Cheonchu is a 2009 South Korean period television series based on the titular character, an actual historical figure and her lifelong struggle to protect the country her ancestors built. The granddaughter of Goryeo Dynasty founder Taejo Wanggeon, the empress ruled as the regent for her son Mokjong, the dynasty's seventh ruler. Determined to realize her ambitious goals for the kingdom of Goryeo, she dons armor, battles against foreign invaders, and tramples her lover, her son and brother in her rise to power.

A woman travels from 19th century Joseon to modern-day Seoul, her fate takes a twist with a ‘fake marriage’ with a man who resembles her ex-husband.

The series follows the life of Yeon Gaesomun, a powerful military dictator in the waning days of the Goguryeo kingdom.

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