24 部电影

在美国某个乡村工厂做工的捷克移民塞尔玛(比约克)天性善良,因患有先天性疾病,她的视线正日趋模糊。为了不让遗传了该病的儿子也将宿命继承,塞尔玛每日做工都很辛苦,不知情的好友兼同事林达(凯萨琳•丹妮芙)因心疼而好言相劝时,她总是报一微笑,因为她还有另一个纯粹属于音乐的世界,其间的美好与安静,足以抵挡现实的心酸与艰难。   令她欣慰的是,在眼睛要彻底变瞎之前,基本筹齐了儿子手术所需的费用,然而就在此时,意外发生,她的命运被加速推向复杂悲惨的境地。

2013 年 07 月 26 日

纯朴的布兰蒂(奥布瑞·普拉扎 Aubrey Plaza 饰)发现自己直到高中毕了业,对于男女之间的“互动”仍是毫无经验。在即将步入大学生活之际,为了不让自己输在起跑点上,她详细列出一张学习清单,决定来一场全面“性”成长……

尼古拉斯·哥瑞肯偶然结识了乌乾达新总统安迪·艾明Idi Amin(福里斯特·惠特克Forest Whitaker饰),安迪·艾明经常传诏尼古拉斯·哥瑞肯和莎拉,所以,他们在医学会上的时间便越来越少了。艾明刚刚通过军队武装获得了至高的权力,并卷入了一起公路案。

2009 年 06 月 19 日

  芝加哥大学毕业的物理学家鲍里斯(拉里•戴维 Larry David 饰)自认天才,对世界及人性均极度悲观,在莫名其妙与妻子分手后跳楼自杀未遂,辞去工作搬到纽约曼哈顿城中,靠教小孩象棋为生。某晚在家门口发现了从密西西比州离家出走的天真少女美乐蒂(埃文•雷切尔•伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)。美乐蒂请求鲍里斯收留,极不情愿的鲍里斯只答应让她暂住一晚,却没想到美乐蒂不仅对他的天才极度尊敬,在同龄朋友面前大加赞扬,并对自己渐生爱意。尽管有着四十多岁的年龄差异,二人仍决定结婚。不久美乐蒂的母亲玛丽埃塔(帕特里西娅•克拉克森 Patricia Clarkson 饰)被丈夫抛弃后从密西西比来访,与鲍里斯的朋友凯文(亚当•布鲁克斯 Adam Brooks 饰)一见钟情。凯文帮助玛丽埃塔成为了摄影师,但对鲍里斯不满的玛丽埃塔却想尽办法拆散他与美乐蒂…… 

1985 年 08 月 16 日


2017 年 02 月 24 日

藏獒波弟(郭麒麟 配音)在山村长大,本该子承父业担当村庄卫士,却爱上了现代摇滚乐。为了追求音乐梦想,他进入城市,寻找乐队未果、拜师学艺受挫、屡遭狼群算计,但他坚持不懈,不仅拯救村民,还弥补了亲情上的裂痕,最终梦想成真。

2017 年 03 月 24 日


2014 年 02 月 21 日


由D.W. 格里菲斯编剧、导演,是其最具创作野心的作品。影片由4段相隔数千年互不相关的故事连缀而成 :《母与法》、《基督受难》、《圣巴多罗缪的屠杀》和《巴比伦的陷落》。故事虽不相关,但反映了一个共同的主题:祈求和平,反对党同伐异。格里菲斯描述他自己的构想:“四个大循环故事好像四条河流,最初是分散而平静地流动着,最后却汇合成一条强大汹涌的急流。

这部影片在电影语言上的历史贡献在于 :4 段故事不是一个个单独展开,而是交替进行,十分大胆而又流畅地把时间相距甚远的事件联系在一起,平行交替叙述而造成逐渐紧张强烈的情绪而达到最高潮。影片在影像结构、叙事结构以及镜头运动、剪辑节奏上的创新对世界电影的艺术表现手法影响极大,被认为是最早的经典影片之一。1958年,在布鲁塞尔国际博览会上,它被评为电影史上12部最佳影片之一。

四个发生于不同历史时期,年代跨度超过2000年的故事组成了本片的故事情节。第一个故事叫做“母与法”。讲述20世纪初的加利福尼亚州,一位青年工人被人诬陷为杀人犯,被判处死刑。而他的妻子则必须在行刑之前找出真凶,营救她的丈夫。 第二个故事“耶稣受难”发生在公元27年的巴勒斯坦。耶稣被门徒出卖,受尽折磨后被钉死在十字架上。 第三个故事是“圣巴托罗缪大屠杀”,发生在公元1572年的法国巴黎。天主教徒发动了对新教徒的大屠杀。一对婚期在即的新教徒青年也遭遇不幸。 第四个故事是“巴比伦的陷落”:公元前539年的中东,巴比伦大祭司因为与王子巴尔撒尔的恩怨,竟然在波斯大军来攻之际打开城门,巴比伦古国从此灭亡。

1961 年 09 月 07 日

Inocencio Prieto y Calvo receives a letter telling him he is the heir to his uncle's fortune of two million pesos. Not being able to read he has no idea of who sent the letter or its content. So he goes to the drugstore because the pharmacist can read the letter to him. But while waiting to be helped he sees that a young girl can read. He figures he has to be able to discover the letter's content by himself and decides he will save the letter and go to school, and wait to read the letter on his own.

2009 年 11 月 25 日


1933 年 02 月 10 日

The children of Iowa farmers find love, with mixed results, at the state fair.

2009 年 12 月 11 日

A man tries to warn his brother away from the new girlfriend he brings home during Thanksgiving, but ends up becoming infatuated with her in the process.


1933 年 07 月 19 日

After her father dies, Lily moves to the city to live with her strict aunt. During the day Lily works in her aunt's bookstore, and at night she sneaks across the street to model for Richard, a sculptor with whom she falls in love. A patron of Richard's, Baron von Merzbach, develops an interest in Lily that may not be with the best of intentions.

1977 年 06 月 15 日

法斯宾德的经典作品,改编自德国作家冯塔纳的小说,并刻意以原著作者的角度来叙述这个戏剧化的情节剧故事。年轻冒昧的女主人公艾菲由父母包办嫁给了比她年长20岁的普鲁士官员殷施伯爵。殷施是个刻板守旧的人,一心只求功名,终日忙于公务,使得新婚妻子备受冷落而过着无聊孤寂的生活。后来 艾菲认识了殷施的朋友、该地区的新任司令官克兰帕斯少校,两人很快便堕入爱河,多次暗中偷情。不久,殷施一家迁居柏林,艾菲庆幸终于能够从偷情的错事中解脱。但几年后,殷施偶然发现艾菲与少校的情书,一怒之下枪杀了少校,并将艾菲休婚。女主人公最终在极度的身心交瘁中离开人世。

2008 年 08 月 14 日

Marc, an unexperienced medical doctor from Germany arrives at the Hospital Universitario del Valle in Cali, Colombia for his internship and soon finds himself in-between a raging gang war in Siloé, a Cali barrio. In the hospital he has to care mostly for shotgun wounds, while in the streets he falls in love with a stall-holder who cares for some of the children involved in drug trafficking and criminal violence. Alienating his colleagues and his host family while befriending the kids, he soon finds himself trapped in the center of the violent conflict between the gangs and has to come to a decision.

1939 年 06 月 23 日

Donald Hardwick (Dick Powell) is a stuffed-shirt, classical music professor. His family and small-town music college that he works are of equal mindset. When Don visits his black-sheep aunt in New York in order to find a buyer for his Rhapsody he is exposed to her shocking swing music crowd. His life begins to make dramatic changes after drinking a "lemonade" that turns out to be a Hurricane.

2016 年 07 月 18 日

A muffin thief troubles Mr. Baker, so he seeks help from a sleek detective. They agree to catch the thief at night in the bakery in Baker Street.

2014 年 05 月 21 日

Spaces and Reservations is an intimate and unsparingly realistic relationship drama that tells the story of a young couple being torn apart by malaise and infidelity, and the way the trauma of their breakup brings them back together. Jamie and Kacie have been dating for four years, and are separately beginning to feel the affects of malaise and disconnect. As they drift apart from one another and struggle to bridge the gaps growing between them, Jamie begins to develop feelings for another woman. After precariously flirting with infidelity, Jamie abandons this new pursuit and attempts to salvage his relationship with Kacie, only to discover that she too has fallen for someone else.



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