35 elokuvaa

Two teenage Mexican-American loners in 1987 El Paso explore a new, unusual friendship and the difficult road to self-discovery.

23 heinäkuu 2021

Homoutensa vuoksi armottoman kiusaamisen kohteeksi joutuneen pojan isä lähtee kiertämään Yhdysvaltoja levittääkseen tietoa syrjinnän vaikutuksista.

30 marraskuu 2022

Lucas is a 17-year-old gay teenager coping with the sudden and unexpected death of his father in an accident that may or may not have been suicide. He views his life as a wild animal in need of taming. Between a brother settled in Paris and a mother with whom he now lives alone, Lucas will have to fight to rediscover hope and love.

29 lokakuu 2014

At the age of 14 the world around you changes at a dizzying speed. But what if actually it's you that changing? What if these changes take you away from what up until now, has been your world? Ibrahim and Rafa are going to suffer these changes for themselves, experiencing first love in a way they never could have imagined. And having to keep it Hidden away.

28 elokuu 2018

Myrskyisän menneisyyden varjot piinaavat Jonasta, joka muistelee teini-iän romanssiaan impulsiivisen ja kieroutuneen mutta vastustamattoman Nathanin kanssa.

24 syyskuu 2021

A socially awkward, environmentally-conscious teenager named AJ is dragged to a coastal holiday park by her painfully 'normal' family, where she becomes unexpectedly captivated by a chlorine smelling, sun-loving lifeguard named Isla.

5 lokakuu 2023

It’s 2006, and George is a 16-year-old who believes he is a future star musician, even when no-one else in his small town does. The arrival of Max, the son of a famous musical duo who helps him rehearse for a talent show leads both boys to learn from each other and grow closer.

12 lokakuu 2022

When a hot, openly gay new neighbour moves in across the street, high school senior Jake is forced to think about what - and who - he really wants.

26 syyskuu 2011

Experience an alternative take on attraction with Boys On Film. Bad Romance explores the darker side with a collection of edgy and sexy short films, including: Alain Hain's "Curious Thing" starring Danny Bernardy and Matthew Wilkas; Christoph Scheermann's "Cake and Sand" starring Bartholomew Sammut and Jan Andreesen; Michael Rozanov's "Watch Over Me" starring Guy Kapulnik and Davidi Hoffman; Joachim Back's "The New Tenants" starring David Rakoff and Jamie Harrold; Kim Jho Gwang-soo's "Just Friends?" starring Lee Je-hoon and Yeon Woo-jin; Étienne Desrosiers's "Mirrors" starring Xavier Dolan, Stéphane Demers, and Julie Beauchemin; Christopher Banks's "Communication" starring Rudi Vodanovich and Alexander Campbell; Tomer Velkoff's "The Traitor" co-starring Shmulik Goldstein; Christopher Radcliff and Lauren Wolkstein's "The Strange Ones" starring David Call, Tobias Campbell, and Merritt Wever; and Tamer Ruggli's "Cappuccino" starring Benjamin Décosterd and Manuela Biedermann.

15 lokakuu 2016

Miklós is at the age when everything feels high-stakes. He is coming to terms with his own sexuality, and when his best friend Dan reveals that he has a new girlfriend, this puts an end to their plans to run away together.

Maxi, a boy on the cusp of his teens, is already comfortable with his homosexual feelings, with acceptance from his family. When Maxi is assaulted one evening, Victor, a police officer, comes to his aid. Maxi soon develops a crush on Victor, who shows a platonic affection for the young lad.

16 kesäkuu 2000

In pursuit of fantasy, five teenagers hop the fence of a now defunct amusement park. While apparently a mindless diversion, for two of them the park is the setting for a more fatal bid at escape.

12 huhtikuu 2021

A student's increasingly intimate line of questioning causes his interview with a local horror host to take a vulnerable turn.

Joshua, a 20-something years old unemployed artist who's getting evicted, meets up with Gabriele, a boy who's new to the city and is apartment hunting. The two form a bond as Gabriele decides to move in after Joshua moves out, but expectations and unreadiness get in the way of a sparking romance.

18 helmikuu 2021

While preparing for the anticipated summer party in a cramped bathroom, Mercedes navigates her blossoming desires.

8 kesäkuu 2022

Star quarterback Connor Tucker finds himself in unfamiliar territory as a broken leg puts him out for the season. Adjusting to life off the football field, Connor surprisingly starts falling for school outcast Jayden Sansbury in this LGBTQ story.

20 kesäkuu 1998

Aussie boys of Asian descent candidly discuss their status as a "minority within a minority".

22 heinäkuu 2021

When Petra spends an evening with her best friend Sanna, Sanna asks how she knew she was bi. Petra tries in earnest to show her the truth.

28 lokakuu 2015

A group of Spanish boys take advantage of a high roof to ogle a sunbathing woman, but the presence of an adjacent male nude complicates matters.

21 joulukuu 2022

Luiz is a high school student who, by neglecting his studies, gets a failing grade. To help him, the teacher gives Toni the mission to teach the student the unlearned material. However, Luiz has a history of school violence against Toni. Putting aside the past the two accept the challenge given by the teacher and end up living an unpretentious romance.

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