22 laidų

2046 metais Robinsonų šeima ir erdvėlaivis Jupiter 2, vienas iš kelių Jupiterio laivų, erdvės metu susiduria su plyšiu ir sudužta nežinomoje planetoje. Robinsonai ir kiti kartu gyvenę kolonistai kovoja su keista svetima aplinka ir savo asmeniniais demonais, bandant palikti planetą.

Šiuolaikinės medicininės technologijos leido išgydyti tūkstančius žmonių, pagydyti nepagydomuosius, suteikti šansą tiems, kurie ankščiau jo neturėjo. Internetas ištrynė valstybių sienas, atstumus ir ilgas valandas laukimo, tačiau tuo pačiu jis ištrynė ir gebėjimą bendrauti, savarankiškai mąstyti ar mėgautis mus supančiu pasauliu. Technologijos suteikė begalę teigiamų aspektų, tačiau tuo pačiu nepašykštėjo ir neigiamų. „Juodasis Veidrodis“ („Black Mirror”), tai serialas atskleidžiantis tamsiąsias technologijų puses, pateikiantis savo ateities viziją, kuri gali pasirodyti mažų mažiausiai niūri.

2024 birželio 23

In the near future, a group of women weave their way into each other's lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a wrenching story of love and betrayal.

2007 gegužės 12

Den-noh Coil, Coil — A Circle of Children, is a Japanese science fiction anime television series depicting a near future where semi-immersive augmented reality technology has just begun to enter the mainstream. The series takes place in the fictional city of Daikoku, a hotbed of AR development with an emerging city-wide virtual infrastructure. It follows a group of children as they use AR glasses to unravel the mysteries of the half real, half Internet city, using a variety of illegal software tools, techniques, and virtual pets to manipulate the digital landscape.

Den-noh Coil, in development for over a decade, is the series director debut of Japanese animator Mitsuo Iso. It premiered on NHK Educational TV on May 12, 2007. Due to the animators involved in its production and its unusually high-profile television broadcast time slot, Den-noh Coil was highly anticipated.

2024 balandžio 6

Rin Rindoh once had a dream of becoming a ballet dancer, but had to give up on that dream due to an injury. Afterward she became a NEET and a gamer who lived in her grandmother's house. But one day she is suddenly thrown into the world of racing.

The anime takes place in the near future, where the latest technology has made it so vehicles can travel at 500 km/h (about 310 mph) safely and securely. A next-generation race event called NEX Race is born, which changes the world of racing. NEX Racing features AI control support and a "Revolburst" mechanism. A newcomer named Rin Rindoh will make her debut in NEX Race, and will further revolutionize the sport.

2020 balandžio 30

Netolimoje ateityje, mirštantys žmonės gali pasirinkti būti „įkelti“ į virtualią realybę. Piniginių sunkumų turinti Nora dirba klientų aptarnavime įmonėje „Lakeview“, kuri siūlo prabangų skaitmeninį pomirtinį gyvenimą. Kai į avariją patenka programuotojas Neitanas, jo mergina įkelia jį į Noros virtualios realybės pasaulį.

1994 sausio 2

Viper is an action-adventure TV series about a special task force set up by the federal government to fight crime in the fictional city of Metro City, California that is perpetually under siege from one crime wave after another. The weapon used by this task force is an assault vehicle that masquerades as a Dodge Viper RT/10 roadster and coupe. The series takes place in "the near future". The primary brand of vehicles driven in the show were Chrysler or subsidiary companies.

The Viper Defender "star car" was designed by Chrysler Corporation engineers. The exterior design of the car was produced by Chrysler stylist Steve Ferrerio.

Saturated in hip hop culture comes the birth of a new movement known as "Phantom Live." Each of the artists have a metal accessory known as "Phantom Metal" which chemically reacts to the wearer's emotions to produce an image, setting a magnificent stage for enthusiastic youths. With legendary club "CLUB paradox" hosting the mysterious Paradox Live, four teams: BAE, The Cat's Whiskers, cozmez and Akanyatsura each receive an invitation to participate, each with their own genre of music in a race to the top.

2020 spalio 5

Fifteen years into the future, science has made a discovery that changes the lives of everyone on the planet – a test that unequivocally tells you who your soulmate is.

2020 sausio 29

In a city where citizens are monitored 24/7, a tech employee must outsmart her surveillance drone in order to investigate a murder.

Seriale visas dėmesys sutelktas į Belą Svei – Mėnulio krovinių pilotę ir kontrabandininkę, gyvenančią ateityje. Bela apkaltinama įvykdžiusi nusikaltimą ir nugabenama į Mėnulio prieglobstį. Tai - utopinė bendruomenė, įsikūrusi 500 kvadratinių mylių dydžio Edeno sode, pastatytame Mėnulyje, kurios tikslas – rasti sprendimus problemoms, kad civilizacija Motinoje Žemėje neišnyktų.

Skeptiškai nusiteikusi Bela įtraukiama į sąmokslą, kuriuo siekiama perimti dirbtinio intelekto, atsakingo už Mėnulio prieglobsčio stebuklus, ir susibendradarbiavusi su vietiniu detektyvu stengiasi, kad būtų sustabdytos Žemę norinčios sunaikinti jėgos.

1973 rugsėjo 9

The adventures of David Caulder and his crew stationed on Moonbase 3.

2000 spalio 27

Freedom is a short-lived 2000 American science fiction television show on the UPN network. There were 12 episodes filmed but only 7 were aired in the US. Some episodes were further aired internationally, and the full series is still occasionally broadcast in Brazil.

2014 sausio 16
2008 vasario 12

The high-kicking, high-action exploits of Buddhist Kung-Fu law enforcement officer Terry Phoo and feisty teen-rebel turned super-hero Whitey Action, who form an unlikely but effective crime-fighting team taking on Britain's super-vile, super-famous mutated criminals, The Freebies.

2023 gruodžio 6
2019 birželio 14

In the forgotten margins of the segregated communities of a dystopian future, a woman searches for the daughter that she lost upon her arrest years ago.

The first TV series based on the Alien film series, set on Earth in the not too distant future.

In the near future, a battle card game called "Battle Spirits" has gained enormous popularity. Players of the game--known as "Battlers"--start battles everywhere using their color-coded cards with different attributes, creating a "Warring States Period" for the game.


2007 gegužės 25

Set in the ruins of Tokyo in the near future, a small group of female survivors face the impending extinction of humanity. They are forced to use violence in the face of bioterrorism and other threats. While some women accept their fate as the last generation of humans, others see biological engineering as a final hope for the survival of the species.

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