4 Filme

21. Januar 2018

Gloria Allred overcame trauma and personal setbacks to become one of the nation’s most famous women’s rights attorneys. Now the feminist firebrand takes on two of the biggest adversaries of her career, Bill Cosby and Donald Trump, as sexual violence allegations grip the nation and keep her in the spotlight.

23. Juni 2023

The incredible story of the greatest cycling race in history, the 1989 Tour de France, and how American Greg LeMond faced down betrayal, childhood sexual abuse and death completing one of the most inspiring comebacks in history.

18. September 2008

What lies in the hearts of men.

7. März 2021

AV Supersunshine and Philomena Victor, married musicians from Wisconsin, approach a young filmmaker and ask for his help to tell their 'true' story: being abducted, experimented on, and taken off planet aboard a flying saucer. The couple send the filmmaker their home-made alien abduction film, and he sets out on a mission to either verify or discredit their experience. Unable to debunk the authenticity of the couple's story, the documentarian resorts to the use of psychological tactics in an attempt to make the couple turn their narratives against one another.

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