3. November 2017

Lady Bird McPherson, a strong willed, deeply opinionated, artistic 17 year old comes of age in Sacramento. Her relationship with her mother and her upbringing are questioned and tested as she plans to head off to college.

Nach Jahren gesundheitsbedingter Isolation sehnt sich die Jugendliche Chloe nach Freiheit und ahnt, dass ihre Mutter sie zurückhält – und ein dunkles Geheimnis verbirgt.

11. Januar 2002

Shaun Brumder is a local surfer kid from Orange County who dreams of going to Stanford to become a writer and to get away from his dysfunctional family household. Except Shaun runs into one complication after another, starting when his application is rejected after his dim-witted guidance counselor sends in the wrong form.

15. Oktober 2004

Louise, an unfulfilled divorced woman with regrets, gets the chance to relive her past when she meets a young man who bears an uncanny resemblance, in name and appearance, to her high school sweetheart who died many years before.

Ezra discovers he has a unique ability to make food appear in his hands. He quickly uses his new super powers to impress his friends and to become popular around school for the first time in his life.

All vile things must come to an end, and for Daria Morgendorffer that means it's time to look beyond high school to college. Our little girl has grown up so fast. It's time for higher learning, lowered expectations, and a heavy dose of sarcasm. Life can't suck more after high school, can it?

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