9 Filme

19. November 1992

Instead of flying to Florida with his folks, Kevin ends up alone in New York, where he gets a hotel room with his dad's credit card—despite problems from a clerk and meddling bellboy. But when Kevin runs into his old nemeses, the Wet Bandits, he's determined to foil their plans to rob a toy store on Christmas Eve.

12. Dezember 1997

9-year-old Alex Pruitt is home alone with the chicken pox. Turns out, due to a mix-up among nefarious spies, Alex was given a toy car concealing a top-secret microchip. Now Alex must fend off the spies as they try to break into his house to get it back.

7. Januar 1997

While fighting a petrol tanker blaze, troubled firefighter Max Tucker discovers a young girl trapped under its wheels and finds that it is up to him to save her.

16. November 1990

Eight-year-old Kevin McCallister makes the most of the situation after his family unwittingly leaves him behind when they go on Christmas vacation. But when a pair of bungling burglars set their sights on Kevin's house, the plucky kid stands ready to defend his territory. By planting booby traps galore, adorably mischievous Kevin stands his ground as his frantic mother attempts to race home before Christmas Day.

1. Januar 1948
10. November 2017

A little girl falls into a deep borewell, and her rescue becomes a huge professional and personal challenge for a collector.

10. Juli 1937

The cat of the house has its nap interrupted by two playing puppies, which sets off a chain of events.

In 1942, Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji Jadeja, Maharaja Jam Sahib of Nawanagar, established the Polish Children's Camp in Jamnagar-Balachadi for refugee Polish children brought out of the USSR during WWII.

Follows the June 2023 rescue of four indigenous children — Lesly, Soleiny, Tien, and Cristin — after forty days in the Colombian Amazon.

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