17 Filme

14. Oktober 2016

Sarasota na Florydze, rok 1974. Christine Chubbuck jest ambitną 29-letnią reporterką telewizyjnych wiadomości. Pomimo tego, że ma talent, z uwagi na bycie kobietą musi zmagać się z wieloma wyzwaniami, które nie dotyczą jej kolegów po fachu, jest jednak zdeterminowana i zdolna poświęcić wszystko, by osiągnąć sukces.

Dziennikarka, Nellie Bly, chcąc ujawnić koszmarne warunki panujące w zakładzie psychiatrycznym oraz dowieść złego traktowania pacjentek przez personel, symuluje chorobę psychiczną. Sądzi, że jako pensjonariuszka placówki zdobędzie niezbędne dowody.

A sexy reporter and an intrepid cameraman. Adventures are to be had! This is an anthology with 30 minutes of new storyline added. The Adventures of Paula Peril merges Mystery of the Crystal Falcon, The Invisible Evil, and Midnight Whistle into one longer story.

A reporter investigating the bizarre death of a woman who leaped from a building in flames finds herself mixed up in a cult of witches who are making her part of their sacrificial ceremony during the Christmas season.

7. Februar 1931

When misfortune hits hard on the Jordan family of Chicago's upper class, Bonnie Jordan, a dazzling and witty girl, finds a job as an aspiring reporter; however, his naive younger brother Rodney takes a twisted path and gets involved with the wrong people.

8. Mai 1942

A scientist keeps his wife young by killing, stealing the bodies of, and taking the gland fluid from virgin brides.

Do Hongkongu przybywa tajna agentka Cindy (Cynthia Rothrock). Ma odszukać i aresztować podejrzanego wydawcę Ronny'ego Daka (Ronny Yu). Kobieta podaje się za dziennikarkę, w rzeczywistości jest jednak mistrzynią wschodnich sztuk walki. Jej przybycie wywołuje wielkie zamieszanie w podziemnym światku Hongkongu.

12. Dezember 1947

A crusading newspaper reporter battles big-city gambling interests.

1. September 1989

An impotent husband with a fanatical desire to father children, forces his wife to undergo a dangerous experiment. This results in the birth of a multitude of monstrous THINGS.

28. August 1937

An internationally-notorious criminal scientist returns to the US to sell his latest invention, a disintegrating gas, to a foreign power. When he arrives, however, he is spotted by a young Coast Guard man, whom he kills - and thus earns the enmity of the entire US Coast Guard, but especially the murdered Guardsman's older brother who, together with his reporter-girlfriend and her comical photographer, vigorously sets to tracking him down and interfering with his plans to develop the city-melting gas in quantity. A Republic Serial in 12 Chapters.

28. Juli 1933

A newsreel photographer neglects his love life to get the perfect shot.

7. Juli 1949

When it rains in the city, a serial killer known as "The Judge" looks for his next strangling victim. For months, the madman has been stalking at night, leaving behind clues, but police efforts have been fruitless. Constructing a life-size dummy of the murderer, police Lt. Harry Grant is growing obsessed with capturing him, and always following Grant is the relentless reporter Ann Gorman looking to break the story, but the hunt continues.

9. Mai 1947

Magazine writer Ann Mason infiltrates the United Defenders, a public service organization which is actually a front for racketeers. But a case of amnesia threatens to blow her cover.

2. Oktober 1942

Well-known philanthropist and deaf-mute John G. Harrison is identified leaving the scene of several murders but evades successful prosecution as there are hundreds of witnesses who have also seen him emceeing benefits at the exact same time as the murders.

9. Mai 1941

While on vacation, the Saint discovers a much-sought-after music box.

A female reporter researching underground sex films stumbles across a snuff film, and her further investigation causes the film makers to take action against her.

1. Juni 2019

This Seattle-shot silent film, originally shot in 1937, tells of an apocalyptic future war that could devastate the planet.

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