7 elokuvaa

3 huhtikuu 1942

Mowgli, lost in the jungle when a toddler, raised by wolves, years later happens upon his human village and reconnects with its inhabitants, including his widowed mother. Continuing to maintain a relationship with the jungle, adventures follow.

A wily old codger matches wits with the King of the Leprechauns and helps play matchmaker for his daughter and the strapping lad who has replaced him as caretaker.

1 joulukuu 2023

In the 1980s, a renowned storyteller (a "Kadhikan") currently earns a living at the sawmill, hiding the performer in him due to his dire circumstances. A 17 year old in a juvenile home wishes to learn from him with the support of the Superintendent. His desire to learn the art form reignites the storyteller's faith in the same. Over a short span of time, the relationship between the Kadhikan and the boy becomes a bond unlike any other, unfolding new dimensions in both their lives.

In 1988, in Saint-Élie-de-Caxton, an 11-years-old boy is worried for his grandmother's life. Worn out by illness, the old storyteller tries to convince her grandson that Death no longer exists. Her story will bring back to life the extraordinary people from the village in 1927 who, by using rocambolesque tricks, will eliminate Death that threatens them. From now on, Death will coincide with the birth of legends.

13 maaliskuu 1987

Spalding Gray sits behind a desk throughout the entire film and recounts his exploits and chance encounters while playing a minor role in the film 'The Killing Fields'. At the same time, he gives a background to the events occurring in Cambodia at the time the film was set.

6 syyskuu 2019

In a ravaged future-Australia, a solitary hermit guarding a priceless treasure is forced to offer sanctuary to a young girl who is fleeing murderous scavengers. With danger around every corner, can they learn to survive together?

3 lokakuu 2010

The wild beauty of the Bella Coola Valley blends with vivid watercolor animation illuminating the role of the Nuxalk oral tradition and the intersection of story, place and culture.

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