17 elokuvaa

Todistaja (engl. Witness for the Prosecution) on Billy Wilderin ohjaama yhdysvaltalainen oikeussalidraama vuodelta 1957. Se perustuu Agatha Christien novelliin ja näytelmään Syyttäjän todistaja (novellikokoelmassa Kuoleman koira).

20 kesäkuu 2001

Neljä nuorta oppilasta, kaksi poikaa ja kaksi tyttöä, katoaa arvostetusta englantilaisesta yksityiskoulusta. Ainoastaan Liz selviää koettelemuksesta hengissä mutta mielessään tyttö elää traumaattisen tapahtuman yhä uudelleen. Kahden viikon painajainen pimeässä, maanalaisessa bunkkerissa ei hevillä katoa hänen ajatuksistaan. Pian käy selväksi, ettei Liz enää kykene erottamaan tarua todesta. Kolme ihmistä kuoli kammottavissa olosuhteissa. Mutta mitä todella tapahtui tuossa surmanloukussa?

17 toukokuu 1985

Dr. Arthur Calgary visits the Argyle family to return an address book lost some time ago by Jack Argyle, only to find out that Jack has been executed for the murder of his mother. Calgary can prove that Jack was innocent. In spite of opposition from a hostile family, he is determined to solve the crime.

12 maaliskuu 1970

A young girl living in the French countryside suffers constant indignities at the hand of alcoholism and her fellow man.

15 helmikuu 2017

Greg founded a company called Alibi.com that creates any type of alibi. With his associate, Augustin, and Medhi his new employee, they devise unstoppable stratagems and stagings to cover their clients. But meeting Flo, a pretty blonde who hates men who lie, will complicate Greg's life, which begins by hiding the true nature of his activity. During the presentation to parents, Greg understands that Gérard, the father of Flo, is also one of their clients.

17 marraskuu 2006

“Jokainen voi joskus tarvita alibia” on Ray Elliottin erittäin menestyvän yrityksen motto. Rayn yritys tarjoaa aviopuolisoille mahdollisuuden olla uskottomia – vailla pelkoa kiinnijäämisestä. Elliot Consultingilta voit ostaa täydellisen alibin. Mutta vedenpitävimmätkin alibit saattavat osoittautua riittämättömiksi, ja kun salainen tapaaminen päättyy huonosti, Rayn on käytettävä kaikkea ammattiosaamistaan keksiäkseen täydellisen alibin itselleen!

1 toukokuu 2004

Sean Veil is an ultra paranoid murder suspect who takes to filming himself round the clock to provide an alibi, just in case he's ever accused of another crime. Problems arise however when the police do come calling and the one tape that can prove his innocence has mysteriously disappeared.

26 huhtikuu 2022

A group of friends who have known each other for many years meet at Max and Lucie's house to celebrate Lucie's birthday. When they arrive, the three guests discover Max kneeling in front of the body of his wife who has been murdered. He is sure that the police will charge him because everything accuses him. Convinced of his innocence, his friends decide to give him an alibi. But the investigation tightens around Max...

Psykiatri tohtori Ray Flemming (Gene Barry) murhaa vaimonsa (Nina Foch) ja pyytää isoa palvelusta rakastajatar Joan Hudsonilta (Katherine Justice), joka on näyttelijä ja yksi hänen potilaistaan. Gene pyytää Joania näyttelemään hänelle alibin esiintymällä hänen vaimoaan.

5 lokakuu 1959

Chip is killed accidentally while trying to rape a blonde girl, who runs. Silver becomes the number one suspect even though she has an alibi, but due to previous brushes with the law she's sent to Girls Town, a home for young women in trouble with the law which is run by nuns. Silver is rebellious and causes trouble at the school, and her friend Sarafina totters near the brink of self-destruction because of an infatuation with a young singer. Meanwhile Chip's father hires a detective to find out the truth, and Chip's friend Fred gets Silver's sister in trouble at a drag race. Silver has a lot of problems all right.

5 kesäkuu 1955

When a scheming fortune hunter finds his rich wife is not going to die as expected, he and his lover make other plans to get her millions.

24 maaliskuu 1943

In 1930s France a bar hostess helps a man prove himself innocent of murder.

25 joulukuu 1937

When an out-of-work Chicagoan travels west as a hobo on a freight train, he finds himself falsely accused of murder.

13 helmikuu 2008

Youssef, a professional liar, falls in love with airhead waitress Andrea. Things get awry as she never wants to date a guy who keeps secrets or lies.

21 lokakuu 1932

A young woman new to the big city gets a job as a man's companion. What she doesn't know is that the man is a notorious gangster.

15 maaliskuu 1961

A composer (Laurence Payne) is stuck in a middle-class marriage and finds that his affair with his wife's half-sister (Jane Griffiths) has resulted in a pregnancy. When his wife refuses to give him a divorce he hatches a murder scheme that is too clever by half.

10 kesäkuu 1949

Agatha Christie tale of a man on trial for murder: a trial featuring surprise after surprise. Not to be confused with the later Hollywood adaptation.

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