4 Filme

Ein Inder, der im Alter von 5 Jahren von seiner Mutter getrennt und von einem australischen Paar adoptiert wurde, sucht nach seiner leiblichen Familie in Indien.

3. Oktober 2021

Alicia is a 42-year-old-woman whose grief has caused her estrangement from society. Her world is turned upside down when 14-year-old Chief, a young boy who looks after people’s cars, stumbles into her house, bleeding.

8. Mai 1965

This short film shows an encounter, through a series of games, between a street child from the shantytowns and a child of a rich family, stationed at his window. The film has no dialogue and the action moves through the attempts at one-upmanship evident in their successive display of their toys. Their rivalry (a kite shot down by a toy rifle, for example) concludes with the opposition between the world of noise (the toys inside the house) and that of music (the street child's flute).

Young widow Li Jingqin is struggling to put her son Du Shaoxiong through school with her meagre income. Bullied by the landlady, Du spends his days wandering the streets where he is lured by a gang to commit crimes. Fortunately, Du has a heart of gold.

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