4 Filme

26. Juli 2013

During the 1940s, Nevil Shute had a steady job as an engineer in the British military but in his spare time, he wrote novels that were being well-received. Once the war was over, Shute choose to move to Australia and focus on writing, soon becoming an internationally acclaimed novelist. His novel On The Beach, particularly hit a chord with the international community, depicting the impact of global nuclear destruction. This documentary studies Shute's career and the adaptation of his most famous novel into a feature film in Melbourne, as his predictions of a post-Hiroshima world seem to be foreboding in their accuracy.

A western Swedish beach during high summer. A variety of people come together to socialise and enjoy the heat. A family with children, a watercolour artist, a group of upper middle-aged friends and a bunch of middle school adolescents. The situation that arises will be called Fight on a Swedish Beach on Youtube.

A youth romance that begins and ends during the adventures of summer.

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