3 Filme

28. Oktober 2016

Um einen Virus aufzuhalten, der die Erdbevölkerung zu halbieren droht, begibt sich ein Harvard-Professor mit Gedächtnisverlust auf der Flucht auf dessen tödliche Spur.

1. September 1979

Queen Elizabeth I visits late 1970s England to find a depressing landscape where life has changed since her time.

Based on more than two decades of systematic research and cross-cultural comparison by comparative mythologist David Talbott, Remembering the End of the World reconstructs a cosmic drama when planets hung in the sky close to the earth–an epoch of celestial wonder giving way to overwhelming terror. This highly visual presentation offers new answers to enigmas that have baffled experts for centuries. Why did every ancient civilization celebrate a former “Age of the Gods”, an age claimed to have ended in earth threatening disaster? What was meant by the lost “Golden Age?” Why did ancient sky worshipers refer to Saturn as “the sun?” Why was Venus worshiped as the “Mother Goddess?” And why did both Old and New World astronomers celebrate the planet Mars as a great warrior whose battles shook the heavens?

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