12 Filme

25. November 2008

A brand new look at one of America's favorite national parks. Jack Perkins, former NBC News correspondent and host of A&E's Biography Series, lends his powerful narrative to this hour long tribute to the people who created Acadia National Park and to those who keep and preserve it.

19. Januar 1979

In 1969, the federal government expropriated two hundred and fifteen families in eight towns of New Brunswick in order to build a national park. Not only did these families lose their homes and their memories, they also lost their livelihoods.

1. Januar 1988

The dramatic story of two youths--one French and one Indigenous--who share a pivotal time in Canada's history: the first contact between European and First Nations peoples.

15. August 1976

Arthur and Ernest are two bachelor fishermen who occupy the proverbial end-of-the-road on Morris Island, an Acadian community in southern Nova Scotia. Sober or not, they carry on with and for the filmmaker who is attempting to find out about their lives. The resulting encounters owe a smuch to Harold Pinter or Samuel beckett is they do to the documentary genre of film-making.

In the late 1960s, with the triumph of bilingualism and biculturalism, New Brunswick's Université de Moncton became the setting for the awakening of Acadian nationalism after centuries of defeatism and resignation. Although 40% of the province's population spoke French, they had been unable to make their voices heard. The movement started with students-sit-ins, demonstrations against Parliament, run-ins with the police - and soon spread to a majority of Acadians. The film captures the behind-the-scenes action and the students' determination to bring about change. An invaluable document of the rebirth of a people.

1. Januar 2010

In Acadie, the only “real” tea is King Cole, blended in New Brunswick for the past 100 years. Traditionally drunk with a spot of Carnation condensed milk, it recalls simpler days when people would take the time to stop and smell… the tea. Infusion is a playful look at this tradition, its many symbols, and the memories it stirs. Some say a cup of tea promotes frank discussion and helps clear up misunderstandings; others swear they can read the future in the leaves left at the bottom. Perhaps there really is something magical about tea…

A child of the Beat Generation, Gérald Leblanc conjoined urban-ness and American-ness, wandering and belonging, far beyond the boundaries of taboo. In so doing, he helped propel Acadia into the modern era.

1. August 1989

Portrays Louis Robichaud, Canadian politician and former Premier of New Brunswick.

This documentary captures the beauty of Maine's Acadia National Park, as well as detailing the history of the location which happens to be the first area east of the Mississippi River to be declared a National Park.

24. August 1929

A young Acadian woman spends years searching for her lost love after the two are separated and forcibly relocated by the British.

In 1863, when a legless, shipwrecked man washes up on the Acadian coast, he's taken to the home of Jean the Corsican, a burly and bitter former soldier, and his childless young wife, Julitte. The man, who is young, handsome, and well-dressed, remains mute as Julitte nurses him back to health. Jean, meanwhile, who is inexplicably estranged from Julitte and an outsider to townspeople, continues his hunt for pirate treasure, rumored to be hidden in a cave by the sea. The treasure is his ticket out of Acadia. As loneliness and Eros draw Julitte and the mysterious Jérôme together, something's got to give.

1. Januar 1976

This docucumentary by John Brett conveys the impressions of cultural loss felt by an elderly Acadian man living on the south shore of Nova Scotia after his homestead has been deserted.

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