26 film

18 ottobre, 2019

Finais do século XIX. Ephraim Winslow chega a uma ilha isolada junto à costa de Nova Inglaterra (EUA) para trabalhar como ajudante de faroleiro durante quatro semanas. Nesse período, terá de responder ao irritável Thomas Wake, o encarregado. As semanas vão passando e, sentindo a opressão do isolamento e das violentas tempestades, os dois homens tentam fazer o seu trabalho e passar o tempo o melhor que lhes é possível. No meio de provocações, conflitos e algumas confidências, tudo acompanhado por doses generosas de álcool, a sua relação vai-se deteriorando gradualmente, até ambos serem levados aos limites da insanidade.

Mr. Kim is jobless, lost in debt and has been dumped by his girlfriend. He decides to end it all by jumping into the Han River - only to find himself washed up on a small, mid-river island. He soon abandons thoughts of suicide or rescue and begins a new life as a castaway. His antics catch the attention of a young woman whose apartment overlooks the river. Her discovery changes both their lives.

28 ottobre, 2022

A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a lake in which an ancient Swedish witch is said to live.

25 gennaio, 2019

O passado misterioso de um comandante de um navio de pesca regressa para o assombrar. A ex-mulher do marinheiro insiste em abordá-lo com um desesperado pedido de ajuda, enredando a sua vida numa nova dimensão que pode não ser o que parece.

Grã-Bretanha, 1944, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Incansavelmente perseguido por vários agentes do MI5, Henry Faber, um implacável espião alemão na posse de informações vitais sobre o Dia D, refugiou-se na Ilha Storm, uma terra inóspita e pouco habitada ao largo da costa do norte da Escócia.

7 settembre, 2018

Em 1914, logo após o assassinato de Franz Ferdinand que eventualmente causou a Primeira Guerra Mundial, um navio a vapor se aproxima de uma ilha remota à beira do Círculo Antárctico. Um jovem está preparado para assumir o cargo de observador do clima, para viver na solidão nos confins da Terra por um ano inteiro, até a chegada do seu substituto. Nos próximos doze meses, o seu mundo consistirá numa cabana deserta, no mar circundante e em seres perigosos e estranhos que ele descobre e que compartilham a ilha.

21 settembre, 2018

Um homem misterioso viaja para uma ilha remota em busca de sua irmã desaparecida. Ele tenta resgatar sua irmã depois que ela foi sequestrada por um culto religioso, que está exigindo um resgate por seu retorno. Mas logo se torna claro que o culto vai lamentar o dia que ceifou este homem, que escava cada vez mais profundamente nos segredos e mentiras sobre os quais a comunidade está construída.

12 dicembre, 1931

To avoid the rigors of the law, Gilda flees New Orleans and hides on a Caribbean island where the worst criminals can ask for asylum. Besieged by the scum of the earth, Gilda will soon find out that she has found refuge in hell.

Island of La Réunion, in the beginning of the 20th century. Five teenagers commit a savage crime. As punishment, a Dutch captain takes them to a supernatural island with luxuriant vegetation and bewitching powers.

A couple of English tourists arrive at the island of Almanzora, off the Spanish Mediterranean coast, where they discover that there are no adults in a small fishing village, only some children who stare at them and smile mysteriously.

15 novembre, 2012

A reality TV crew charter a boat to an island for filming, one which the boat's captain had been to before and attacked by giant shrews, more than fifty years earlier.

3 gennaio, 2015

In the sixties, Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) built a house on the remote island of Fårö, located in the Baltic Sea, left Stockholm and went to live there. When he died, the house was preserved. A group of very special cinephiles, came from all over the world, travel to Fårö in search of the genius and his legacy. (An abridged version of Bergmans video, 2012.)

Tokyo engineer Kariya arrives on a primitive tropical island, where he interacts with the Futori clan, to drill a well to power a sugar mill.

30 novembre, 2001

In the mid-1920s, four young men and women have decided to spend their summer holiday studying together and have rented a wonderful house in the Swedish archipelago. Rationally, they realize that this cohabitation may lead to some of the members being attracted to one another. Thus, in order to avoid unnecessary passions, conflicts, jealousy, grief and enmity, the women sleep in a separate house on the other side of the creek. In spite of believing that they are prepared for anything, and even though they share the task of cooking, their feelings get carried away.

Galicia, northern Spain, January 2, 1921. The steamship Santa Isabel, sailing towards Argentina with more than two hundred emigrants on board, sinks off the coast of Sálvora Island. Three island women, María, Josefa and Cipriana, who have bravely set sail aboard a fragile skiff to save the shipwrecked, are treated as heroes by the cynical authorities; but León, an inquisitive and tenacious Argentinean journalist, starts asking uncomfortable questions.

30 ottobre, 1958

Prof. Erling and his financial backer Victor build a prototype time machine to snatch objects from the past. Latest find, a statuette, radiometrically dates to 5200 AD! When this draws colleague Richard Hedges to the island lab, Erling reveals that 20th-century objects put in the machine seem to be "traded" for analogous future objects by intelligent life. And on the sly, Victor's been trying to get a living visitor. Does the future need help, or is the present in danger?

Laila leaves Bangkok, besieged by law enforcement due to political and social unrest, and embarks on a road trip to the town of Pattani, in the far south of Thailand, along with her brother Sugood and Toi, a friend of his, to visit Sainab, the brothers' aunt, whom they barely know.

A desolada e misteriosa ilha de Fårö, Suécia, Mar Báltico, 2004. O mestre cineasta sueco Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) relembra sua vida pessoal e artística; uma viagem por mais de sessenta anos dedicada ao cinema, peças de teatro e programas de televisão.

1 febbraio, 2023
1 gennaio, 1977

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