6 Filme

29. April 2011

In the harsh post-war years' Catalan countryside, Andreu, a child that belongs to the losing side, finds the corpses of a man and his son in the forest. The authorities want his father to be made responsible of the deaths, but Andreu tries to help his father by finding out who truly killed them. In this search, Andreu develops a moral consciousness against a world of adults fed by lies. In order to survive, he betrays his own roots and ends up finding out the monster that lives within him.

2. Februar 2007

Olle, an introverted, well-mannered boy with an air of innocence and sincerity about him has been camping with his father at the same camping ground with several other people for years now. A sort of tradition that ends in a karaoke party. Then one summer, a family friend brings her reticent 'city boy' nephew, Kevin, and his pet budgerigar. Olle accidentally releases the bird and what follows is a discovery of friendship and love between the guy who has grown up in a loving environment and simply accepts love for what it is and the guy who's apparently been burned too many times in his own circle to feel comfortable with it.

In this Indian drama a young man must cope with a job he is not really suited for. Lakhinder captures exotic birds from the Bengal forests. He is to sell them in Calcutta. Unfortunately he cannot bear to see them caged and always sets them free. He does not earn a lot of money as a result. His wife is angry at him, and begins having an affair with the man who takes the birds to the market. Lakhinder's partner's daughter understands his relationship to the birds. They come to visit him in his lonely hut.

22. November 1941

A cat (not Sylvester) tries to capture a little canary bird (not Tweety), and not get caught by protective Granny.

5. Januar 1930

An American sailor comes to a seedy banana republic, and finds a fellow yank, a stranded girl, as a saloon singer. They fall in love, but a misunderstanding about her feelings toward the local dictator threatens their happiness.

15. September 1934

A canary is frustrated by being caged. One day the kind old lady who owns him opens a nearby window, and also leaves the door to the cage open. Freedom! But it's not all it's cracked up to be.

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