22 部电影

2014 年 07 月 25 日


2018 年 12 月 14 日

克林伊斯威特(Clint Eastwood)飾演一名高齡的單身男子厄爾史東,事業失敗、宣告破產,人生毫無希望可言。此時剛好有人提供他一份工作,他只要負責開車運貨就好,什麼都不要管,這聽起來很簡單,做起來也很容易,但不知情的他事實上卻是加入了一場墨西哥犯罪集團的運毒計劃。也因為他做得很好,獲得犯罪組織的信任,他的工作多到幾乎應接不暇,於是他被指派在一名統籌人之下,由他來規劃厄爾的每次行動;但另一方面,厄爾也被緝毒局探員柯林貝茲(Bradley Cooper 飾)盯上了。 雖然厄爾從此不需要再為錢煩惱,但他也不得不為他過去犯下的錯誤開始擔憂,不確定自己是否該及時懸崖勒馬彌補過去的錯誤,否則他接下來的命運不是落入法網,就是被犯罪集團追殺….。

2005 年 05 月 13 日




1994 年 08 月 24 日

Death and violence anger twelve year old drug courier Fresh, who sets his employers against each other.

1971 年 10 月 09 日

腰纏萬貫的法國富豪阿蘭( Fernando Rey 飾)手上運作著全球最大的海洛因走私網,警方多番追蹤仍無法將其落網,臥底警察也被殘忍殺害。而在另一頭的紐約城,偵探道爾( Gene Hackman 飾)和魯索(Roy Scheider 飾)還在酒吧中與當地販毒分子交鋒,渾然不知阿蘭正在計劃將一筆3200萬美元的海洛因走私入美國。然而沒過多久,在一次跟蹤行動中,道爾和魯索很快發現了可疑人物與販毒網之間的關係,一場與販毒團伙鬥智鬥勇的險惡持久戰就此拉開。道爾和魯索這對互相看不順眼的搭檔,究竟能想出多少計謀,躲過多少暗箭,最後又能否一舉破獲這起來自法國的大規模販毒案呢?本片根據羅賓·摩爾(Robin Moore)的真人真事作品改編,並獲得第44屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳電影、最佳導演、最佳男主角、最佳改編劇本、最佳剪輯獎。

2023 年 04 月 28 日

An Australian lone wolf's quiet existence is shattered when he learns that the woman he once loved and thought was dead is alive and held captive by ruthless gangsters. Now, to take on this dangerous criminal organization, he must seek out allies and storm into a world of violence to rescue the love of his life in this gritty, modern day violent fairytale.

1978 年 09 月 15 日

An unemployed pot-smoking slacker and amateur drummer, Anthony Stoner ditches his strict parents and hits the road, eventually meeting kindred spirit Pedro de Pacas. While the drug-ingesting duo is soon arrested for possession of marijuana, Anthony and Pedro get released on a technicality, allowing them to continue their many misadventures and ultimately compete in a rock band contest, where they perform the raucous tune "Earache My Eye."


2014 年 03 月 10 日

In 1983, a naive man is detained by Australian Federal Police with lethal narcotics hidden in his stomach. After being apprehended, ‘The Mule’ makes a desperate choice... to defy his bodily functions and withhold the evidence – literally.

1992 年 04 月 24 日

A naive Canadian barber who knows US popular culture inside and out meets a flamboyant roadie who needs someone to drive her and her "brother's" corpse from Thunder Bay, Ontario to New Orleans. Chaos ensues after the barber agrees to drive her, the corpse, and the drugs stashed within all the way.

1987 年 09 月 23 日

Christine is a pasty-faced teen in a windbreaker and ill-fitting striped shirt who walks endlessly from one friend's house to another, delivering heroin while their parents are absent.

2006 年 06 月 16 日

From the youth directed novel of the same name by Greogor Tressnow comes a film by Detlev Buck that is a realistic portrait of life in the section of Berlin called Neukölln. It’s about power and weakness, delinquents and victims, and the difficulties a 15-year-old faces in a poor and criminal environment.

2013 年 09 月 05 日

Set in Tangier, Traitors tells the story of Maika, a calm, conservative girl by day and a leader of an all-girl punk group by night.

Escaping gangsters trying to kill her because of being witness to a crime, Gloria (Victoria Abril), a young woman of lower class, comes back to Madrid, Spain and to her family. There she tries to find work and earn some money.

2009 年 04 月 03 日

I am Ancizar Lopez, Colombian. But I ain't no drug dealer. I am a cocaine exporter, which ain't the same thing. My heart belongs to two women who were my glory and today, are my downfall.

2019 年 07 月 18 日
2009 年 02 月 05 日

Marine Boy is the story of a former national swimmer who finds himself in debt, and out of desperation is employed as a mule by a gangster boss, smuggling drugs by sea.

1999 年 02 月 21 日

An illicit affair with a politician's daughter leads a young man on a city wide search for the perfect condom.

2020 年 06 月 16 日

A teenage girl gets involved in the process of delivering a pack of cocaine to its client, and gets stuck in a weird cycle of occurrences.

2018 年 11 月 03 日

A story of three young Europeans, who fell victims to a momentary lapse of reason and currently serve their terms in prisons around South America. By following their daily lives and dissecting their deepest motivations, the film reconstructs the breaking point which turns young, optimistic, people into mere beasts of burden.



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