6 Filme

8. November 1936

After being run out of town after town for trying to sell worthless stock, two con artists breeze into the small town of Chesterville, where they find themselves accused of kidnapping a young boy to whom they offered a ride. When that misunderstanding is cleared up, the two conmen hatch a plot to unload all their worthless paper on the gullible citizens of Chesterville.

12. August 1939

Before he was killed, Martin hid a half million dollars worth of bonds on his ranch. Brainard, who killed him, Inspector Carson posing as Sam Brown, and Martin's niece Margaret all want the ranch, and it's being sold at auction.

20. Oktober 1935

When a wealthy art dealer is murdered, the private investigator hired for the case discovers a web of blackmail, corruption and stolen bonds.

6. Dezember 1933

A young bank employee is sent to South America to bring some valuable bonds to a client there. Unfortunately for him, he tends to drink a bit too much and winds up getting involved with a gang that's planning on stealing the bonds to start a revolution.

After moving out of his parents house and restaurant Minh looks forward to live alone. On his first night in his new apartment he has a strange dream. He wakes up and tries to get a midnight snack, but he finds only cockroaches. The shock knocks him out and afterwards he is chained to a mysterious man, who introduces himself as a kitchen god. Both want to be released from their bond, but it seems that it cannot be broken that easily. Not only their bond will bring Minh into trouble, his situation worsens when gangsters threaten local restaurants.

Sometimes a friendship is all you need to get through the toughest moments.

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