7 Filme

2. September 2005

When a hunter sent back to the prehistoric era runs off the path he must not leave, he causes a chain reaction that alters history in disastrous ways.

15. September 2019

A family's camping trip at Big Rock National Park becomes a terrifying fight for survival.

2. Februar 1925

The first film adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic novel about a land where prehistoric creatures still roam.

25. Juli 1969

A turn of the century wild west show struggling to make a living in Mexico comes into the possession of a tiny prehistoric horse. This leads to an expedition to the Forbidden Valley where they discover living dinosaurs. They capture one and take it back to be put on display, leading to inevitable mayhem.

1. September 2019

Computer-generated animation about the daily lives of dinosaurs, narrated by Werner Herzog.

An American cowboy living in Mexico discovers his cattle is being eaten by a giant prehistoric dinosaur.

13. September 2011

Dinosaur Revolution is a four-part nature documentary miniseries that utilizes computer-generated imagery to portray dinosaurs and other animals from the Mesozoic era. It was praised for its educational content and general energy. Used and unused footage was later made into a feature film titled Dinotasia.

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