5 Filme

18. August 2024

Gavin built a giant volcano sculpture that's now in his dad's shed. Gavin seeks his dad's understanding but he's uninterested in modern art and refuses to participate in the documentary.

2. April 1994

Teenage London is trying to find meaning in the world, or a leather jacket of her own. Unaccepted by neither the Mods or the Asian biker gang, she tries to find her own path. Meanwhile, the two gangs maintain a mutual vendetta sure to erupt in a smorgasbord of violence.

31. Oktober 2015

After a man dons a pair of fake vampire teeth for a Halloween party, he soon comes to find that he can't take them off again.

6. Juli 2024

Amanda's stoner slumber party is put to a halt when one of her guests is nowhere to be found.

19. April 2024

A nurse experiments on a sick patient, leading to an unfortunate demise. A depiction of the relationship between birth, infection, and decay under a surrealist lens using heavily edited archive footage.

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