32 部电影


好不容易渡過冰原時期的凍凍危機,長毛象蠻尼(Ray Romano 配音)、劍齒虎狄亞哥(Denis Leary 配音)、樹獺喜德(John Leguizamo 配音),滿心期待一個不再寒冷的美好世界,但是他們很快就發現,冰原融化的速度超乎預期,巨大的冰壩即將融化,連冰帶水摧毀一切。冰原三英雄拚命警告其他動物大洪水即將來襲,同時得將搞不清楚狀況的動物們組成遠征軍,尋找新的棲息地 …… 在旅途過程中,一直認為自己是最後一頭猛-象的曼尼在旅途中遇到了愛麗(Queen Latifah 配音--世界最後一頭雌性猛-象。第一次看到好兄弟陷入情網,狄亞哥和喜德也完全無能為力,幫不上忙。其實曼尼也很頭疼,美麗的愛麗從小被負鼠家族收養,浸染了所有負鼠的習性,爬樹,鑽牆角等。而更誇張的是,愛麗打從骨子裡認為自己是一隻負鼠,所以根本無法接收曼尼。再加上與愛麗同行的一對活寶負鼠兄弟,個性鮮明,唧唧喳喳。吵的我們的長毛英雄在面對一籌莫展的愛情和惡劣的天氣條件下一時完全沒有了對策。而偏偏這場破冰之旅還萬萬少不了愛麗……


2004 年 05 月 28 日

氣候學家傑克霍爾(丹尼斯奎德飾演)觀察史前氣候研究指出,溫室效應帶來的全球暖化將會引發地球空前災難。傑克博士曾警告政府官員採取預防行動,但警告顯然已經太晚。當羅德島大小的冰山撞上南極洲冰棚後,全球氣候引發連鎖效應:冰雹重襲東京,空前颶風襲捲夏威夷,印度罕見飄雪,洛杉磯更颳起史無前例的龍捲風。傑克研究中的災變症候逐一顯現:南北極冰帽的融解將大量淡水注入海洋。在一場全球性超級暴風雨來臨後,地球將步入一萬年前的冰河世紀。 正當傑克警告白宮緊急應變的同時,他17歲的兒子山姆(傑克葛倫霍飾演)被困在紐約,面臨曼哈頓嚴重水患及不斷下降的溫度。山姆到曼哈頓公共圖書館避難,嘗試由電話聯絡父親,分秒必爭的傑克命令山姆,無論如何一定要守在室內,並盡量保暖。此刻美國正式宣布民眾大規模向赤道方向撤離,傑克隻身北上前往紐約救山姆,但傑克完全無法想像即將發生在他、他的兒子及地球上的一切。

這是一個自然資源極度匱乏、科技卻是一日千萬里的時代,你每個一舉一動都受到監視,你所吃的每一種食物都經過遺傳工程改造,為你做事的工人也不再是人類,他們是機器人,園丁、管家、甚至連說話的伴侶,所有你能夠想到的工作,機器人都能勝任,除了愛。 虛擬電子製造公司大膽跨出人工智慧的下一個領域,研發出這個問題的解答。他的名字是─「大衛」。 大衛是一個實驗機器男孩,他也是第一個能夠付出真愛的機器人,由於一名虛擬電子公司員工和他太太的兒子罹患絕症,必須長期冰凍,以等待新的藥物被發明出來,所以他們就志願領養大衛做為實驗。漸漸地大衛被他們視為己出,也獲得這對夫妻的寵愛,但是在發生一連串意外事件之後,他卻無法繼續溫暖的家庭生活。 擁有真愛的機器人無法被人類和機器人接受,大衛不得已帶著保護他的超級玩具熊泰迪,踏上尋找自己真正定位的冒險之旅,他終於發現人類和機器之間,存在著一道無法跨越的鴻溝,但是卻也有共通的可能性。

2018 年 08 月 17 日


2013 年 09 月 20 日

Forced underground by the next ice age, a struggling outpost of survivors must fight to preserve humanity against a threat even more savage than nature.


2010 年 08 月 04 日

When a solar eclipse sends a colossal blast of super chilled air towards the earth, it then sets off a catastrophic chain of events that threatens to engulf the world in ice and begin a new Ice Age.


2011 年 01 月 02 日

It is 2020. Findings by environmental scientist Professor Thom Archer suggest that Halo, the corporate energy company drilling on the Greenland Glacier are causing it to melt. Archer's warnings are ignored, so he heads to the Arctic to find indisputable evidence. Upon arrival, he realizes humankind is under immediate threat, and races home to save his family. The glacier collapses, with devastating consequences. Astonishing weather patterns emerge and plunge the world's temperatures into steep decline.

2011 年 06 月 27 日

大自然的反撲再度威脅人類的生存★Asylum公司繼【風飛鯊】之後,又一匠心獨具之作冰島火山爆發,導致冰川崩解漂流至美國東岸,引發全美氣溫驟降,一場空前災難隨即降臨-地球將步入一萬年前的冰河世紀!全美陷入一片驚慌,在這場浩劫中,一名氣象科學家泰瑞(派屈克萊比爾托 飾)為拯救困在紐約的女兒茱莉亞(凱蒂威爾森 飾),與家人從西岸開車一路向東長征,途中克服重重困難終於抵達紐約,卻發現紐約的情況比他想像得更糟糕

2004 年 06 月 12 日

Meteor Bay-Leder 7 struck earth on October 18th, 2012. Causing earthquakes, tidal waves, and a dust cloud that soon covered most of the Northern hemisphere, it changed the face of our planet forever.

2002 年 11 月 26 日

Scrat tries to finish his rather large collection of acorns when things start going nutty.

2008 年 12 月 09 日

Sid the Sloth takes a school of children out on a camping trip from home, only to find that in typical Sid style, he is not a very good guide and the children he takes with him don't have a very good time.

2019 年 09 月 03 日


1979 年 02 月 09 日

During a future ice age, dying humanity occupies its remaining time by playing a board game called Quintet. For one small group, this obsession is not enough. They play the game with living pieces, and only the winner survives.

2026 年 03 月 20 日

In the near future, astronaut Ryland Grace wakes from a coma afflicted with amnesia. He gradually remembers that he was sent to the Tau Ceti solar system, 12 light-years from Earth, to find a means of reversing a solar dimming event that could cause the extinction of humanity.

2009 年 07 月 01 日

The squirrel Scrat is going to meet a mate in Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, the latest opus of Ice Age. Her name is Scratte, and she is a female saber-tooth squirrel, who can be more intelligent than Scrat, but the Love between the two could blossom between them. There is still an a nutty case of contention though, which is caused by a nut!

2003 年 06 月 05 日

The stone-people Hew and Kew have seen a lot in their everlasting lives on top of their mountain. Therefore they're only mildly amazed by the ongoings in the valley below, they've got their own little problems to deal with - But all of a sudden, Mankind is discovering and inventing, instead of just woozeling, and this new behavior starts to threaten Hew's and Kew's stoic peacefulness...

2013 年 02 月 15 日

Titans of the Ice Age transports viewers to the beautiful and otherworldly frozen landscapes of North America, Europe and Asia ten thousand years before modern civilization. Dazzling computer-generated imagery brings this mysterious era to life - from saber-toothed cats and giant sloths to the iconic mammoths, giants both feared and hunted by prehistoric humans.



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