9 filmek

An evil dwarf sorcerer is buried alive in the jungles of Borneo for practicing black magic: Many years later, a documentary film crew from Hong Kong opens the coffin, and discover that one of them is afflicted with a horrible curse that begins killing off everyone around them.

Roam the Wild West frontier land of the Rio Grande’s Big Bend alongside its iconic animals, including black bears, rattlesnakes and scorpions.

The Scorpions were one of the first rock bands from Germany, which also gained international fame. This documentary covers the history of the band.

2015. március 26.

A documentary on the acclaimed rock band Scorpions

2005. február 15.

Deep in the Ratanakiri province, a group of archaeologists find themselves lost in the forests when their tour guide is killed by a monstrous giant python. Forced to band together with a group of temple-hunting robbers, if they are to stand any chance of escaping the forest alive.

2018. november 23.

Follow the knight on his epic lifetime journey to find the one true love. He's willing to risk everything and follow any clue. But are the goals we are chasing truly worth it? Or do we spend whole life following something that is distracting us from real values? Are our emotions betraying us? Making us go after uncertain things instead of focusing on our own happiness.

Recorded live in December, 1990 at Deutschlandhalle in Berlin, Germany.

1972. június 6.

Between 1950 and 1958, John Marshall made four expeditions to film the Ju/'hoansi (a group of !Kung Bushmen) of the Nyae Nyae region of Namibia (then South West Africa). During this time, Marshall shot over 300,000 feet of 16mm film (157 hours). He later produced a total of 23 films exclusively from this footage. In this short film, children tempt fate by playing with scorpions.

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