54 elokuvaa

15 syyskuu 2023

Hyväntahtoinen, elämäänsä muutosta kaipaava Kamal päättää lähteä Belgiasta auttamaan sodan uhreja Syyriassa. Siellä hän ajautuu liittymään ISISiin, jää jumiin Raqqaan ja leimataan länsimaissa terroristiksi. Kotona hänen pikkuveljestään Nassimista tulee helppo kohde radikaaleille värvääjille, jotka lupaavat viedä hänet veljensä luo. Heidän yksinhuoltajaäitinsä Leila taistelee suojellakseen ainoaa asiaa,

26 marraskuu 2020

ISIS on vallannut Irakin toiseksi suurimman kaupungin Mosulin. Kaupunkiin jääneet poliisit perustavat Ninive SWAT -yksikön ja aloittaa sissitoiminnan ISIS: ää vastaan. Kun Ninive pelastaa nuoren poliisin hengen, ja hän päättää liittyä yksikköön auttaakseen ​​epätoivoisessa taistelussa ISISiä vastaan tuhotun kotikaupunginsa Mosulin pelastamiseksi.

14 toukokuu 2021

Looking to investigate recruitment techniques of ISIS to lure women into Syria, a journalist creates a Facebook profile of a Muslim convert. When an ISIS recruiter contacts her online character, she experiences the process first hand.

14 kesäkuu 2019

After two marines make it home following an ISIS interrogation, one struggles to survive while the other fights his way back into the mixed martial arts world that he left behind years ago.

Paris, spring 2015. Faustine travels to Syria with her little son to join ISIS; but, once in Raqqa, she soon realizes the hell she is gotten herself into. Her husband Sylvain quickly understands that the French government is powerless to help him, so he plans with some friends a high-risk extraction operation to get his family back.

5 toukokuu 2023

A converted Muslim woman Fatima narrates her ordeal of how she once wanted to become a nurse but was abducted from her home and manipulated by religious vanguards and turned into an ISIS terrorist and landed in Afghanistan jail.

14 toukokuu 2019

ISIS-taistelijat ja Islamilainen valtio ovat vallanneet Irakin toiseksi suurimman kaupungin Mosulin, jossa alkaa terrorin aikakausi Irakin armeija vetäydyttyä Bagdadiin. Vuosia myöhemmin irakilaisten sotilaiden ja miliiseistä koostuva sekalainen armeija aloittaa taistelunsa vapauttaakseen kaupungin. Irakilainen toimittaja Ali Maula liittyy tähän eri uskontoja harjoittavien liittolaisten armeijaan selvittääkseen, voivatko he yhtenäisinä vapauttaa maansa. Maula kohtaa matkallaan sunni heimojohtajan, nimeltään "Krokotiili", aviomiehensä kuolemaa kostavan miliisipäälikön, Irakin armeijan everstin, jolle uskontokunta ei ole pääasia. Kuolema, ISIS-miehityksen julmuus ja pakolaiset ovat osa absurdia arkea. Mosulin vapautumisen jälkeen Maula pohtii kotonaan Bagdadissa kysymystä: Onko ISIS:n vastainen sota päättynyt vai onko seuraavan konfliktin siemenet jo kylvetty?

5 maaliskuu 2024

In a war-torn Middle Eastern city where music has been banned by Islamic extremists, Karim, a brilliant musician, struggles to rebuild his destroyed piano while trying to escape to Europe.

23 syyskuu 2021

When a British-born actor abandons his Hollywood career to volunteer to Join the Kurdish YPG to fight ISIS in Syria, many see him as a selfless hero battling America's most insidious enemy. But others think he's a hot-tempered narcissist, staging a publicity stunt to further his career - and when his service ends, neither the UK nor the US welcome him back. Through incisive interviews with the actor, his supporters, his detractors, and top-tier experts - and featuring the actor's own jaw-dropping helmet-cam video of deadly battles with and interrogations of ISIS fighters - Heval gives viewers unprecedented access into a war against evil and one man's controversial role in it.

The Kurdish Iraqi poet and actor Zeravan Khalil travels with his dog through an Alpine gorge after fleeing from IS war and genocide. As he remembers the abomination, he writes a poem with the title “You drive me mad” in Kurmanji Kurdish. In his home country, Yazidic Kurds are forbidden to work in his profession. Then he eats his apple and wanders through Europe’s middle with more hope.

8 lokakuu 2020

Rojda, a native of Iraqi Kurdistan and a soldier in the German army, travels to a refugee camp in Greece where she manages to meet her mother, who has bad news about her sister Dilan.

31 elokuu 2022

A unique interview with Tooba Gondal, the woman who groomed and lured scores of Western women to join ISIS. Using social media, she became a deadly matchmaker, recruiting a number of high-profile “jihadi brides” for ISIS militants in Syria: she allegedly helped organise the transporting of three British schoolgirls, including Shamima Begum, to Syria.

20 lokakuu 2020

A portrait of those trying to survive in the war-torn Middle East.

Turvallisuuspoliisi pyytää eläkepäivistä nauttivan Beckin apua tutkiessaan tapausta, jossa Ruotsin kansalaisen epäillään liittyneen Isisin riveihin. Steinar ryhmineen etsii kadonnutta nuorta naista, ja jutut näyttävät liittyvän jollain tapaa yhteen.

A priceless tablet of Gilgamesh, the oldest and most important work of literature is stolen from a museum. A security guard vows to do whatever it takes to get it back from a group of smugglers. Along the way, he faces his own inner demons.

15 lokakuu 2016

Maija is a young and ambitious journalist who wants to do something that no other journalist has dared. In order to conduct a groundbreaking research on Daesh, she pretends to be an Islamic convert and tries to join them.

29 huhtikuu 2018

Hundreds of Western volunteers have joined Kurdish armies in Syria and Iraq in their efforts to fight the Islamic State. What drives some Canadians to put their lives on the line?

Elisabeth lives a quiet live in the Belgian countryside with her young adult daughter Elodie. After the divorce from her husband Elisabeth took care of her daughter on her own. When Elodie disappears over night and Elisabeth discovers that she travelled to Syria to join the Islamic State, she begins her journey to find her daughter.

20 tammikuu 2018

Nadia Murad, a 23-year-old Yazidi, survived genocide and sexual slavery committed by ISIS. Repeating her story to politicians and media, this ordinary girl finds herself thrust onto the world stage as the voice of her people. Away from the podium, she must navigate bureaucracy, fame and people's good intentions.

10 joulukuu 2021

Two stories separated by 1400 years. After losing his mother in the midst of a war-torn country, an Iraqi child learns the importance and power of patience by discovering the historical story of Lady Fatima and her suffering.

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