4 Filme


7. April 2007

On the last working day of Sheriff Wayne, his small town is attacked by blood thirsty ravens that eat human flesh. Meanwhile his wife Cynthia visits a farm where a Mennonite family lives to say farewell to her friend Gretchen and discloses a dark secret about the origin of the fierce ravens.

13. Mai 2010

Good Vampires battle Zombie Vampires while trying to hide their own identity and prevent the infection from spreading.

19. Oktober 2018

The young calf Klara dreams of becoming a big star, and is invited to her father’s farm. The ox Mosk is a big rock star, according to her mother, which is revealed isn’t true at all.

Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) is the human version of mad cow disease and has been described as a "ticking time bomb" in Britain. This documentary explores the claims by families of vCJD victims that a criminal inquiry should be held to examine the possibility of a cover-up by authorities of BSE in farming and the food industry.

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