In der Villa einer großbürgerlichen Familie taucht ein seltsamer Gast, der den Vater, die Mutter, die Tochter, den Sohn und die Magd verführt. Nachdem er mit dem Fremden geschlafen hat, entdeckt der Sohn seine Berufung zum Künstler. Der Vater seinerseits verschenkt die Fabrik, die Magd wird Wunderheilerin.

1. Mai 2024

Two siblings who are completely different from each other are cleaning dishes as they argue about their differences only to realize that one of them has done something terrible that turns their life upside down.

Kaiji Ito moves to Japan after graduating from high school. Unable to find a job and frustrated with society at large, Kaiji spends his days gambling, vandalizing cars, and drinking booze. Two years later and his life is no better. A debt collector named Endo arrives to collect money owed. The debt collector offers two choices to Kaiji: spend 10 years paying off his loan or board a gambling boat for one night to repay his debt & possibly make a boat load of money. Could the debt collector Endo actually be setting up Kaiji? One way or another, for Kaiji it's going to be the night of his life.

Vincent ist ein berühmter, erfolgreicher Unternehmer. Eines Tages unterbricht eine Autopanne auf einer Bergstraße vorübergehend sein hektisches Leben. Pierre, der abseits der modernen Welt inmitten der erhabenen Natur lebt, kommt ihm zu Hilfe und bietet ihm seine Gastfreundschaft an. Das Zusammentreffen dieser beiden Männer, die so gegensätzlich sind, wird ihre jeweiligen Überzeugungen durcheinander bringen und sie werden sich lachend wiederfinden. Die Frage ist nur: Leben sie wirklich das Leben, das sie leben wollen?

The story is focused on three characters who are in crisis: Monica, Mr Chema and Ms Cata. When they feel the necessity of going to church they meet wach other and their lifes change. Under the tutelage of guardian angels, they will understand the true meaning of the Mass, the constant struggle between good and evil and the triumph of faith and hope.

Kaiji (played by Tatsuya Fujiwara) is about to have his life changed. The thrill is beyond anything he, or most people, have experienced. The adventure is not without risk and danger however. He is given four games, which are challenges, and include life and death situations. The film follows its prequels and things will get both mental and physical.

To exact revenge, the Liar Game office is revived. The target is only one person: Shin'ichi Akiyama. Because of new heroine Shinomiya, Shin'ichi, who kept refusing to take part in the game, finds himself in the game. Along with Akiyama, there's 19 other players competing for the prize of two billion yen. Omega, who revived the game, plays the game at the Liar Game office with Alice. Alice sets up the game, chooses the players, and sets the traps.

A happy-go-lucky Mumbai suburban housewife Sulochana, fondly known as Sulu, lands the role of a night RJ, resulting in drastic changes to her routine life.

3 years after the ultimate life-or-death game with Teiai Group, Kaiji was entrapped by Teiai and again back in the underground, forced to do hard labour. One day, Kaiji wins a bet to get out of the underground with 1 million yen, and promises the other workers that he will save them. But to do so, he only has 14 days and needs 200 million yen! Kaiji meets his former rival Tonegawa and learns that there is a chance to turn the tables in the game. It was a monster casino machine that will make 1 billion yen if you win...

17. Januar 2001

An advertising executive fails to realize that the woman of his dreams is his best friend since first grade, now married to his cheating co-worker.

10. Februar 2023

In order to turn their lives around, three taxi drivers living at the bottom rung of society hatch a plan to steal an invaluable art piece. Their plan was supposed to be perfect, but as coincidences pile up it becomes clear that nothing is going to go according to plan.

24. September 2015

After losing his job on a coin-toss a man concocts a fantastical plan to build an enterprise of harvesting coins from wishing fountains.

27. Februar 1975

Philippa Talbot is a talented London businesswoman who has decided to give up her position and power to become a nun. The man who loves her is in shock over her departure from his life. When Philippa arrives at Brede, a cloistered Benedictine monastery, the abbess who was responsible for convincing her to enter this vocation suddenly dies. Her successor is Catherine, a sensitive leader who's the first to tell the newcomer to the community that all nuns are to love without a preference for one over another. This becomes very difficult when Joanna, a young nun, singles Sister Philippa out and grows very attached to her.

In the drama, a father, firmly believing that the baby daughter in his arms is not his own, abandons her upon the doorstep of the town drunk. Many years pass, and the man finds himself continually wracked with guilt about deserting her.

30. Juli 2010

A young woman is forced to return to her hometown to take care of her ailing father and, in turn, finds herself living a life she never imagined for herself.

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