9 Filme

10. Januar 2024

An international heist crew, led by Cyrus Whitaker, race to lift $500 million in gold from a passenger plane at 40,000 feet.

7. Januar 2022

A group of top female agents from American, British, Chinese, Colombian, and German government agencies are drawn together to try and stop an organization from acquiring a deadly weapon to send the world into chaos.

16. Januar 2015

Nicholas Hathaway, a furloughed convict, and his American and Chinese partners hunt a high-level cybercrime network from Chicago to Los Angeles to Hong Kong to Jakarta. As Hathaway closes in, the stakes become personal as he discovers that the attack on a Chinese nuclear power plant was just the beginning.

Die gesamte USA wird von einem bisher unvorstellbaren Akt des Terrorismus bedroht, der sich innovativster Techniken bedient und mittels Computerkraft das Land ins Chaos zu stürzen vermag. Die IT-Infrastruktur des Landes wird komplett außer Kraft gesetzt, Kommunikation und Bankwesen liegen lahm und die überraschten Behörden wissen zunächst nichts entgegen zu setzen. Nur ein Mann kann den Terror aufhalten: Der New Yorker Polizist John McClane hält nichts von modernem Schnickschnack und macht sich auf seine eigene Art auf die Jagd nach dem Drahtzieher des spektakulären Coups. Unterstützt wird er dabei von dem jungen Greg, den McClane eigentlich nur von New Jersey nach Washington bringen sollte. Doch mal wieder ist der alte Haudegen zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort.

A passenger train has been hijacked by an electronics expert and turned into an untraceable command center for a weapons satellite. He has planned to blow up Washington DC and only one man can stop him, former Navy SEAL Casey Ryback.

9. Dezember 2022

A semi-retired special ops assassin and a DEA agent cross paths on separate missions to stop a cyber terrorist organization that has built a dangerous machine threatening to attack the power grid and bring catastrophe to the world.

After a sudden explosion at Edge of Ocean island in Tokyo, Tōru Amuro, codename Zero, begins to investigate. Meanwhile, private eye Kogorō is arrested as a suspect, so Conan Edogawa conducts his own investigation to prove his innocence, but Amuro stands in his way.

A group of counter-terrorism agents are brought in to track down a man who was once the head of their squad, and is believed to have gone rogue.

A thought provoking documentary feature film providing a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of signals intelligence over the past century. Whether you're intrigued by the secretive world of intelligence agencies or concerned about the implications of digital surveillance, this film will leave you with a deeper understanding of the role signals intelligence plays in society.

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