26. Juni 1986

A couple, cheated by a vile businessman, kidnap his wife in retaliation—without knowing that their enemy is delighted they did.

31. Mai 1985

When investigative reporter Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher goes undercover to write a piece on the drug trade at a local beach, he's approached by wealthy businessman Alan Stanwyk, who offers him $50,000 to murder him. With sarcastic wit and a knack for disguises, Fletch sets out to uncover Stanwyk's story.

10. Dezember 1969

In the midst of the Great Depression, manipulative emcee Rocky enlists contestants for a dance marathon offering a $1,500 cash prize. Among them are a failed actress, a middle-aged sailor, a delusional blonde and a pregnant girl.

10. Dezember 1996

It's the day before Christmas, the day before John's 21st birthday. He's a prostitute on Santa Monica Blvd in L.A., and he wants to spend that night and the next day at the posh Park Plaza Hotel. Meanwhile, Donner, a lad new to the streets, wants John to leave the city with him. John spends the day trying to figure out how to deal with Donner's friendship.

15. Januar 2006

A prequel to "Stone Cold", the story picks up after Jesse Stone is fired from the Los Angeles Police Department. He becomes an unlikely candidate recruited by a town council to become police chief of Paradise, MA, a small fishing town on Boston's North Shore. The board hopes his failed experience will keep him from digging too deep into the town's secrets. His first assignment is to investigate the murder of his predecessor whose death may be tied to a local domestic disturbance case, with connections to money laundering and murder involving some of the town's most affluent names as possible suspects.

14. März 2008

Documentary from France's TV channel Canal+ about the making of the 2007 film 'La Vie en Rose' and Marion Cotillard's road to the Oscar for her performance as French singer Édith Piaf.

5. August 2004

Derrick is a struggling law student who takes a job as an awards show seat filler to make ends meet. One day, he is seated next to the beautiful pop superstar Jhnelle, who mistakes him for a well-known industry executive. With an instant chemistry, the unlikely pair begin to date.

5. Mai 1965

A dramatization of the goings on at a drug rehabilitation home. Filmed at the original Synanon House in Santa Monica, California.

13. Mai 2016

Forced onto the streets in her 50s, Marie found "home" at a Santa Monica laundromat. Taking shelter there for 20 years, Mimi's passion for pink, and living without looking back, has taken her from homelessness to Hollywood's red carpets.

Masashi, who works at a Japanese restaurant in Santa Monica, gets acquainted with an international student named Kanai and they begin living together. An overseas location film that depicts young people from Japan living gay in the United States.

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