3 Filme

Director and Writer Eric Dow ("Honor in the Valley of Tears") brings us his second documentary as he goes behind the scenes of the fan fiction short film, "Batman: Dead End." In the winter of 2003 commercial director Sandy Collora and some of his friends set out to make a low-budget short film for his demo reel. What they wound up actually doing was making one of the most elaborate, most watched, most talked about and most controversial short films ever made: Batman Dead End. Considering the amount of press and admiration Batman: Dead End garnered,

18. April 2023

A melancholic weather broadcaster rediscovers her past at her familial home on her 28th birthday; the day of her suicide.

2. Januar 1977

A young woman is living with her mother at the end of a dead-end street. The young woman notices that a man standing in the street stares into her room every day. After a while, she gets used to his presence and falls in love with him. As the mysterious man slowly enters the girls household and becomes a friend. However the girl finds that the man is a government agent sent to arrest his brother who is a political activist hiding from the government.

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