4 Filme

6. Oktober 2018

On 22 July 2011, neo-Nazi terrorist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 young people attending a Labour Party Youth Camp on Utøya Island outside of Oslo. This three-part story focuses on the survivors, the political leadership of Norway, and the lawyers involved.

8. März 1985

Ten years after ratting on his old mobster friends in exchange for personal immunity, two hit men drive a hardened criminal to Paris for his execution. However, while on the way, whatever can go wrong, does go wrong.

Bull Jackson is a bouncer in a gay bar where Jordan performs as a drag queen by night and is a medical student by day. When Coco, their mentor and owner of the club, is shot in what appears to be a random homophobic attack, Bull and Jordan form an unlikely team to find those responsible.

The homeless Polycarpe steals a rifle from some careless society sportsmen and goes on a mindless shooting spree. (MoMA)

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