17 Filme

10. August 2018

Die vier Highschool-Schülerinnen Hallie, Wren, Chloe und Katie aus Massachusetts haben eine gewöhnliche Pyjamaparty, wie sie die besten Freundinnen schon oft hatten. Mit einem Unterschied: Dieses Mal beschließen die Mädchen in heiterer Stimmung, den Slender Man online zu beschwören. Er ist eine düstere Legende aus dem Internet und natürlich glauben die Mädels nicht, dass die Gruselgestalt wirklich existiert. Während sie den Links neugierig folgen und ein seltsames Video ansehen, bleibt ihnen verborgen, dass der Slender Man sie auf unsichtbare Weise schon eingenommen hat.

11. März 2016

Der Mythos des Slenderman begeistert eine ganze Internet-Gemeinde. Dem Einfluss seiner Faszination konnten sich auch zwei US-amerikanische Schulmädchen nicht entziehen. Um den Slenderman zu beeindrucken, gingen sie 2014 im Wald mit einem Messer auf eine zwölfjährige Freundin los. 19 mal stachen sie auf das Mädchen ein und ließen sie zum Sterben im Wald zurück. Das Opfer konnte jedoch überleben und heute stehen die Täterinnen vor Gericht. Die Dokumentation befasst sich im Wesentlichen mit dem Prozess der beiden jungen Mädchen und dem Einfluss des unüberwachten Internets auf Kinder.

1. Oktober 2017

After the death of her mother, an estranged daughter struggles to save her brother, and those around her from a malevolent faceless spirit.

11. November 2011

In June of 2004, a group of film students and actors from Toronto camp out on the property of one of this town's only residents. With uncooperative actors, technical problems, and of course swarms of mosquitos, the project they went there to film quickly goes downhill. Brandon, the camera man, starts noticing strange things on the tapes, and people start acting weird. Could the people of Bonville have something to hide?

18. Februar 2013

The story of four characters who become intertwined with a tall, shadowy figure with a blank face and a suit that is thought to be behind recent disappearances of children. The link for the film is connected to the "Play the Trailer".

31. Oktober 2014

There are strange things in the woods... Photographs from the early 1900s were the next confirmed reports, where imagery of Slenderman can be found in classical black and white and sepia imagery. Reports from this time indicate sightings in America, the UK, and Russia, as well as reports of child disappearances. At the shooting we saw and heared strange abnormal things out in the dark woods, half of the team saw something unnatural... We believe in that story about the SLENDER MAN.

1. Januar 2013

A short film about Slenderman.

16. November 2012

Laura Maters, a psychologist attempting to help a mentally ill patient, makes a bargain: She will look after his daughter, and he will stick to bed rest in order to rehabilitate himself. However when she begins to be followed by a mysterious man in a suit, she starts to question whether or not her patient's phobias are in his head, or reality.

A documentary about the mythos and real-world effects of the internet legend, Slender Man, consisting of clips from various sources from across the internet.

14. September 2013

A team of South Australian filmmakers sought to tell the story of the Ashman family, a missing persons case that was never solved, and the answer found them.

29. August 2014

Josh has been experiencing reoccurring dreams of a tall, faceless being stalking him. As the dreams become more constant, he confides in his friend to help understand why they are happening.

2. November 2015

Two friends out of high school decide to live together in a camper alongside a river. Little do they know that the place is cursed by a statue that has been passed down from generation to generation. They soon discover that they are being watched by something malevolently strange.

3. Mai 2013

A young woman spirals through depression allowing her own fears to succumb to her thoughts, and eventually her mind.

25. Dezember 2013

After a group of teenagers discover several pages of bizarre drawings scattered throughout their campsite they become the target of a masked man - a slender man that only moves when no one is looking.

1. Januar 2014

In 2009, four aspiring filmmakers set out into the woods of southwestern Ontario. They never returned. Join director Ronnie, sound guy Devon and actors Alex and Mike as they are tormented by the infamous Slender Man. Special Features: -Trailer -'Behind The Scenes' Featurette

23. Mai 2013

A teenage boy who finds himself being stalked by the mythical being 'Slender Man' over a period of days. Heavily inspired by the game 'Slender' by Parsec Productions.

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