31. Mai 2019

Bei ihrem Wiedersehen nach 15 Jahren fliegen zwischen Starköchin Sasha und dem Kleinstadtmusiker Marcus erneut die Funken. Doch sie leben in unterschiedlichen Welten.

23. Dezember 2021

The story of a loving couple who struggles to keep its relationship alive against the inescapable passing of time, told in a nonlinear way over the course of ten years in their lives.

30. Juli 2021

When Leif’s estranged mother, Honey dies she leaves him a ‘conditional inheritance’. He has to complete her elaborate to-do list before he gets her cabin in Yosemite. Leif steps into Honey’s wild world as the mother he never really knew tries to make amends from beyond the grave.

4. November 2022

Sarah is headed back to her hometown for Hanukkah with news of her engagement. Upon returning she finds out that her father had a heart attack and things have gotten out of hand.

27. September 2023

An unhappily married couple visits their do-everything-right friends for a supposedly fun weekend upstate. But when their fragile relationship crumbles, they discover an unusual method for reigniting the spark.

8. Juli 2009

Brazilian short film, directed by Julia Murat.

Xiang Yan and Lin Heng Yu have known each other since childhood, but they parted ways and only reunited in college because of a farce. One is a surgeon with a bright future, and the other is a talented painter from a wealthy family. With the beautiful vision admired by everyone, from when they were wearing their school uniforms to their wedding, the future slowly unfolds according to plan, but at the same time, unexpected obstacles come quietly.

Two musical stars from the golden age of Hollywood get a second chance at rekindling their love in the modern world.

20. November 2023

a man late for a date, runs into his high school sweetheart at a train station, here the pair briefly re-live the past and the messy end to their relationship.

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