12 elokuvaa

3 heinäkuu 1985

Day of the Dead on George A. Romeron legendaarisen Living Dead trilogian päätösosa. Elävät kuolleet ovat vallanneet maailman, ja vain kourallinen ihmisiä on päässyt turvaan hylättyyn ohjussiiloon. Ryhmä koostuu sotilaista ja tiedemiehistä, jotka yhdessä etsivät mahdollisia muita selvinneitä ja yrittävät löytää tavan kontrolloida ihmislihaa metsästäviä zombeja. Yhteishenki alkaa kuitenkin rakoilla ja tilanne kiristyy kohti avointa yhteenottoa tutkijoiden ja psykopaattisen sotilasjohtajan välillä. Keskinäinen uhka aiheuttaa tilanteen, jossa turvapaikan suojaus pettää ja elävien kuolleiden aalto huokuu viimeiseenkin inhimillisyyden saarekkeeseen.

29 kesäkuu 1977

A Florida real estate developer and her captain lure investors to a property in the Everglades called Dreamland Shores, under false pretenses that the swampland will soon be developed. After the group arrives on a small island, they find it has been overrun by giant mutated ants, brought on by the dumping of toxic waste in the area.

20 maaliskuu 1953

Lance Caldwell, a cavalry lieutenant, recounts his efforts to make peace with the Seminole Indian tribe, under an evil major.

26 huhtikuu 1956

Scientists surgically transform the Creature into an air-breather, but being able to live on land is not enough to make him comfortable with humans. Enraged, he turns his wrath on anyone who comes near as he desperately tries to return to the deep-water world where he truly belongs.

26 huhtikuu 1985

After getting out of jail, car thief Ernest "Stick" Stickley witnesses the murder of his friend Rainy during a drug deal. To avoid getting killed by the same people, who work for mobster Chucky, Stick gets a job as a chauffeur for millionaire Barry Braham and lies low. As he gets used to his new routine, Stick woos Barry's financial consultant, Kyle McClaren, but must fight back when Chucky's men come after him.

24 elokuu 1977

A young man who hauls liquor for moonshiners comes up against a competing gang of moonshiners who intend to get rid of him and take over his operation.

11 syyskuu 1958

An ornithologist battles a family of bird poachers in the Florida Everglades.

The Everglades of Florida abduct us into an alien world. The phenomenon of an endless, flat, water surface produces a rich and beautiful flora and fauna. The abundance of fish provides food for countless species of birds and the boss of all swamps: alligators - gigantic, primeval reptiles as neighbours of the people that live here. However, the main goal of this journey is to find the Florida manatees. They are regarded as the most serene and gentle animals in the world. Year for year, they migrate up the rivers from the Gulf of Mexico. It is only here, at the pleasantly warm springs, where one can experience this comparatively unknown and extremely threatened species first hand. They move their stately bodies astonishingly graceful, as if they were dancers in an underwater ballet. Magical light effects of the sun enable a backdrop of turquoise coloured water and roots to shine brilliantly. All in magical 3D.

12 marraskuu 2016

It's March in South Florida. The beach towns are flush with young people looking for action and excitement. For one unlucky group of thrill-seeking spring breakers, their adventure leads to the black waters of the Florida Everglades - a place with mosquitoes the size of birds, snakes as long as school buses and tens of thousands of flesh-ripping alligators. But beyond the scope of the traditional predators famous for keeping the glades wild is another phenomenon - one with two legs and an insatiable thirst for killing.

6 syyskuu 1941

This Traveltalk series entry takes the viewer to a number of locations throughout the state of Florida.

17 marraskuu 2023

After the death of a major player in a historic assault on the ecology of the Everglades, Leah Jones, a victim who was present in the scheme, retells her story to a local reporter. Her retelling reveals more on how her friends unwillingly became part of this scheme.

Dan Bell and Jake Williams explore various abandoned and lonely places in south Florida.

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